WHO Report on COVID-19 Excess Deaths: Modi Government’s Attempt to Shoot the Messenger

The Indian government’s refusal to consider the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates of excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic years and insisting that only India’s Civil Registration System should be used for COVID-19 deaths makes … Read moreWHO Report on COVID-19 Excess Deaths: Modi Government’s Attempt to Shoot the Messenger

With his Bogus Claims, Ramdev is Pushing Patanjali Products and BJP’s Anti-Science Agenda

Ramdev’s disinformation campaigns, especially against vaccines and medical science, are causing immense damage. People could die if they trust his mumbo jumbo on Covid-19. ALL publicity is good publicity—so the old marketing slogan goes. Is … Read moreWith his Bogus Claims, Ramdev is Pushing Patanjali Products and BJP’s Anti-Science Agenda

Three Problems of Reading Engels and the Reasons Why We Need To

On this bicentenary of Friedrich Engels, we need to understand the nature of the struggle of ideas that Engels was engaged in his times, and what its significance is today. Reflecting on the contributions of … Read moreThree Problems of Reading Engels and the Reasons Why We Need To

DST’s Super Model: Or How not to Model an Epidemic

The Department of Science and Technology has sponsored a model, described as a “Super Model” that— according to government hype—claims India’s lockdown was highly successful and we perhaps have even reached herd immunity. The media … Read moreDST’s Super Model: Or How not to Model an Epidemic

Covid-19: Airborne Transmission and What Figures in Mumbai & Delhi Show

AFTER the failed lockdown and rising numbers of Covid-19 cases, the Modi government, which declared an emergency under the Disaster Management Act, seems now to have given up. We are seeing rapidly rising numbers in … Read moreCovid-19: Airborne Transmission and What Figures in Mumbai & Delhi Show

With Covid Surge, Amit Shah Starts Blame the Opposition Game

With more than 3.5 lakhs infected with Covid-19, India is already among the top four countries in the world affected by the pandemic. But that is not all. When we look at a pandemic, we … Read moreWith Covid Surge, Amit Shah Starts Blame the Opposition Game

Environment & Covid-19 in India

WORLD Environment Day 2020 comes at a unique time this year, right in the middle of perhaps the worst pandemic the world has seen in over a century. Due to lockdowns and other restrictions the … Read moreEnvironment & Covid-19 in India

US Declares Vaccine War on the World

DONALD Trump launched a new vaccine war this week, but not against the virus. It was against the world. The US and UK were only two hold-outs in the World Health Assembly on the declaration … Read moreUS Declares Vaccine War on the World

Public Health & Private Profits under Covid-19 Pandemic

DURING an interview with Jonas Salk, the creator of the polio vaccine, CBS newsman Edward R Morrow asked him who owned the patent for the vaccine. “Well, the people, I would say,” said Salk, “There … Read morePublic Health & Private Profits under Covid-19 Pandemic

Lockdown: Victory Declarations Premature In the Battle against Covid-19

THE prime minister has now extended the 21-day countrywide lockdown to 40 days, that is, till  May 3.. While doing this, no explanation has been given on what basis the lockdown has been extended, and … Read moreLockdown: Victory Declarations Premature In the Battle against Covid-19

India’s Testing Strategy Has to Change

AS I write this column (April 2), Covid-19 is crossing a million infected cases in the world and nearly 50,000 dead. In India, the total infected cases are more than 2,000, with 51 deaths. It … Read moreIndia’s Testing Strategy Has to Change

The National Coronavirus Lockdown

FOLLOWING the prime minister’s address to the nation on the evening of the March 24, the GOI strategy for dealing with the potential stage 2 to stage 3 transition of the covid-19 epidemic is now … Read moreThe National Coronavirus Lockdown