The Neoliberal Model of Institutionalised Corruption

THE healthcare sector has been consistently grabbing headlines in recent weeks. First came the reports of how two prominent private hospitals in Delhi “ Max and Fortis “ fleeced patients in blatant disregard of all … Read more

Why the 2G Judgement is Wrong

The Special Court judge Saini in his judgements running into thousands of pages on the 2G spectrum issue, seems to believe that let alone criminality, there was nothing wrong with the procedures that A Raja … Read more

The Strange 2G Judgement: CAG and the Supreme Court at Fault, Not A Raja

The Judgement by Justice OP Saini in the 2G case, which acquits all the accused, has justifiably created a fresh controversy in the country. We are told by the Congress and its sympathisers that the … Read more

The Horror of Private Medical Care in India

Seven year old Aadhya spent the last two weeks of her life at a ‘state of the art’ private medical facility, her survival dependant on an artificial ventilator. Her brain had probably stopped functioning several … Read more

The Horror of Private Medical Care in India

Seven year old Aadhya spent the last two weeks of her life at a state of the art private medical facility, her survival dependant on an artificial ventilator. Her brain had probably stopped functioning several … Read more

Anil Ambani Emerges from the Shadows of Modis Rafale Deal

Modi’s Rafale Deal has raised a number of questions. How is it that the need for 126 Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) for the Indian Air Force, suddenly dropped to only 26 in three … Read more

Muddy waters in Rafale Deal

Many questions are swirling around the Rafale fighter aircraft deal especially in these politically charged times with various state elections already held or around the corner. There are even dark hints about skeletons in the … Read more

Neruda Indicts the US from his Grave

A group of experts assembled by the Chilean judge investigating Pablo Neruda’s possible assassination gave its verdict. The cause of death given in the death certificate is certainly wrong; he definitely did not die of … Read more

Science Wars to Climate Change Denial: Post Modernism and its Consequences

Most of those who led the charge against science explaining nature, are now surprised that climate-change deniers have stolen their theme song. Immersed in the assault on science, this group of thinkers simply overlooked the … Read more

Paddy Straw: A Burning Problem

It is that dreaded time of year again for Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR), the season of high air pollution, in which Delhi regularly ranks worst in the world. Diwali has passed, and … Read more

WHO Needs an Agenda for the Global South

The appointment of Dr Soumya Swaminathan, director general of the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), as a deputy director general (DDG) of the World Health Organisation is a welcome development. She joins Jane Ellison … Read more

Dating Bakhshali Manuscripts: Answering Important Questions in History of Mathematics

The Bakhshali Manuscripts, a collection of 70 odd leaves of birch bark, containing a wealth of mathematical methods, have finally been dated. The oldest of the three samples tested was written as early as the … Read more