The Cost of Modi’s US Visit: Offering Rs. 2.8 lakh crore to Westinghouse

The 4th visit of Modi to the US has very little to show as achievements. No wonder, the headlines screamed about “the start of the preparatory work” on six nuclear reactors as a major achievement. … Read more

India’s Reusable Launch Vehicle

ISRO added another feather to its cap by successfully launching, on May 23, 2016, the first of four experimental versions of its Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) technology demonstrator (RLV-TD) programme under which a series of … Read more

Geospatial Bill or the Monumental Stupidity of the Home Ministry

The Geospatial Bill, May 2016 has been released by the Ministry of Home for public discussions before being placed in the Parliament. The Bill is not about geospatial data or applications of geospatial data for … Read more

Bitcoin: Has the Real Nakamoto Stepped Forward?

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto and why should we even bother knowing who he is? Nakamoto is the pseudonym of the person who created the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, who till this week, was just a name. Craig … Read more

WTO: The World Can Fry, but Trade Must Rule

The world is currently smashing temperature records one after the other, with 2016 now looking very likely to be the third year in a row as the hottest year on record since 1850. Already, we … Read more

Maran’s OneIndia Plan: Attacking Rural Telephony

THE OneIndia plan, which the minister for Communications, Dayanidhi Maran has thrust down the throat of reluctant BSNL and TRAI, has serious repercussions for the telecom sector. If the problems of the sector is growing … Read more

Ravaging Yamuna flood plains: Art of Uncaring, Egoism and Cronyism

India and the whole world has just witnessed the most horrible display of utter lack of concern for the environment by the Art of Living (AoL) foundation led by new- age guru Sri Sri Ravi … Read more

US-WTO Shadow on India’s Solar Power Plans

Last week a Panel set up by the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body ruled against India on a complaint by the US in early 2013 that India’s Domestic Content Requirement (DCR) for some solar power projects … Read more

Are Software Patents Finally Dead?

Last month, the Indian Patents Office released the revised Guidelines for Computer Related Invention (CRI Guidelines), which has finally aligned the Patents Office fully with the Indian Patents Act. This is the third time that … Read more

Strange Rafale Deal and Other Murky Acquisitions

Decision making in India as regards military equipment acquisitions has always been opaque, murky and somewhat enigmatic. The apparent arbitrariness of decisions and technology choices, not to mention actual skulduggery, has long opened the doors … Read more

TRAI Bars Facebook’s Data Colonialism

On Monday 8th February, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) issued its regulations barring differential pricing of data based on content. This has been welcomed widely as a step forward in keeping the internet … Read more

The Zika Crisis Needs a Global Response

Global concerns about a new viral pandemic have started making headlines barely weeks after resolution of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. The virus responsible for panic buttons being pressed, with the WHO declaring a … Read more