Sabotaging the Parliament and Nuclear Suppliers’ Liability

Vahanavati is not a government pleader appointed to fight a government case. He is supposed to give his legal opinion to the government on what the law is supposed to be, not what the government … Read more

Bogey of Chemical Weapons in Syria

The world seems to be moving on two different tracks on the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Almost the only narrative in the US is did Assad regime use chemical weapons, but what should … Read more

Parliamentary Committee Indicts Clinical Trial Industry

THE Seventy-Second Report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health marks a strong indictment of the way in which clinical trials are being conducted in India. Before discussing the report, it is important to understand … Read more

Death of a Rationalist Crusader

THE disturbing murder of Dr Narendra Dabholkar, rationalist campaigner, political activist, and social reformer, is a cause for concern at many levels. It is yet another example of the extent of intolerance that our society … Read more

FDI in Defence: Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Remedy

Among the slew of liberalized norms for FDI announced by the government a fortnight ago was a much anticipated relaxation in norms for FDI in defence industries. The prevailing cap on FDI stood at 26% … Read more

Corporate Interests Influence Drug Regulations

TWO recent events show, once again, how the regulatory mechanisms that apply to medicines is deeply flawed and influenced by the industry. The first is the notification of ceiling prices for essential medicines by the … Read more

The New Strategic Mantra: Indian Cyber Security Needs Foreign Help

Image Courtesy: IT is ironical that along with the government announcing that the telecom companies are the first line of defence in cyber security, it has also announced 100 percent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) … Read more

Uttarakhand Reconstruction

In the aftermath of the Uttarakhand disaster, most of the rescue work especially of pilgrims appears to have been completed now (second week of July), even though many thousands of people are still missing and … Read more

From Self-reliance to Reliance Is the Govt’s New Motto

DOUBLING OF GAS PRICE   THE Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has decided that from March 2014, the price of gas will double – it will rise from $4.2 per MMBTU to $8.40! This … Read more

Uttarakhand Monsoon 2013 Calamity

It is about 10 days since Uttarakhand was hit by torrential rains and cloudburst of a scale not seen in the state in over 50 years, which, along with accompanying floods and landslides, have caused … Read more

Green Development and Urbanisation in China

To anyone visiting China for the first time, the experience comes as a shock, despite all that one has read, heard or even seen on TV. This writer was no exception. The scale in which … Read more

The Lunacy of Gene Patenting & Angelina Jolie’s Mastectomy

Angelina Jolie’s Op-Ed piece in the New York Times (May 14, 2013) stating why she had a double mastectomy (or breast removal) has created a media sensation across the world. Jolie is an icon and … Read more