What Direction US-India Defence Deals?

To nobody’s surprise, India and the US led by BJP’s PM Narendra Modi and the Democrat President Barrack Obama renewed the 10-year Defence Framework Agreement first entered into by governments led by the Republican President … Read more

Lima Climate Summit: Bad Signs for Paris 2015

Anyone following the climate negotiations, especially since the disastrous pattern set at Copenhagen in 2009 and even more so given the tepid progress made since the wishy-washy Durban summit in 2011, could have seen it … Read more

The Path to Sustainable Development: Lessons from the Bhopal Disaster

The premise of sustainable development is that it should be non-discriminatory and equitable as well. Discriminatory practices in the name of development have disastrous consequences as the people of Bhopal had experienced at the hands … Read more

Coercive Population Control Claims Thirteen Lives in Chhattisgarh

The shocking incident in Chhattisgarh, where thirteen women died and many more fell severely ill after undergoing an operation for female sterilisation (tubectomy), shows a mirror to all that is wrong with the public health … Read more

US-China Agreement on Climate Change

China has for the first time declared that it would cap its absolute emissions by “around 2030”, and attempt to achieve this even earlier, along with announcing a target of 20% non-fossil fuel energy by … Read more

Capitulation on IP: Reaching a Point of No Return?

The government has chosen the occasion of Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the US to articulate a vision on Intellectual Property (IP) protection that promises to radically reshape the Indian IP system (as reported in … Read more

Modi’s US Visit: Introducing Bad Patents and Removing Liability for US Suppliers

The US-India Joint Statement signed during Modi’s visit to the US has opened the doors for two Indian laws that have been passed by the Indian Parliament. One is on patents – the Indian Patents … Read more

Final Amendment To India’s Patent Act

AMONG all the provisions of the WTO agreement, the one relating to Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) has possibly been the most widely debated in the country. There are very good reasons why this … Read more

Mangalyaan Success: Putting it in Perspective

On 24th September 2014 when the Mangalyaan spacecraft was inserted into Martian orbit as planned, with Prime Minister Modi present at ISRO’s Mission Control Centre in Bangalore, ISRO declared its maiden interplanetary mission, the Mars … Read more

India’s Mars Mission Enter its Final Phase

India’s Mars Orbiter mission – the Mangalyaan – is now moving into its last and most critical phase. The Mars Orbiter is going to be transferred on 24th September from its current heliocentric or sun-centric … Read more

Ministry Against Environment & Forests?

During his election campaign, Prime Minister Modi repeatedly assailed the environmental regulation prevalent in the country at the time for obstructing development and damaging India’s economic growth. It was clear even then that a future … Read more

Hepatitis and the Thousand Dollar Pill

Capital’s greed to maximize profits respects very few boundaries. If the pharmaceutical industry were to be used as an example, it would seem that greed that is predicated on the helplessness of the sick and … Read more