Chandrayaan-2 and the Indian Space Journey

INDIA’S on-going space exploration programme takes its next step with the launch on July 15, 2019 of Chandrayaan-2, the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) second venture to the moon. The first mission was mainly conducted … Read more

Scientists Take to the Streets for Science

The March for Science took place on August 9 in more than 30 cities and towns in the country, involving thousands of scientists, researchers, teachers and students. These protests took place in the context of … Read more

Eminent Scientist PM Bhargava Passes Away at 89

All India People’s Science Network (AIPSN) expresses deep grief at the passing of Professor Pushpa Mitra Bhargava, a well known scientist and a guide to many in the country, who are committed to the promotion … Read more

Peopling of South Asia and Multiple Migrations from Outside

The genetic evidence shows significant migrations from Eurasian steppes into South Asia. Rough Transcript: Prabir Purkayastha (PP): Hello and welcome to Newsclick. Today, we have with us Dr. Satyajit Rath. Satyajit, we have with us yet another recent paper in evolutionary … Read more

March for Science

 Earth Day, commemorated on 22 April each year, has always seen marches and demonstrations highlighting dangers to life on the planet and mobilizing people for the defence of the environment from wanton exploitation and … Read more

Earth’s Seven Sisters Only 40 Lightyears Away

An international team of scientists have discovered a set of seven near earth-sized exoplanets circling a nearby star, named Trappist-1. They have reported this discovery recently in Nature. What is exciting about these exoplanets is … Read more

Cancer Replication Study Succeeds for Just Two Out of Five Papers

Why is this so and what implications does it have for science and medicine? A high profile exercise in replicating the results of some high impact papers has found that only 2 out of the … Read more

Orchestrated Attack on India’s Research System

“There will always be circumstances when private investment lags – when the innovation creates a public good, such as clean air, for which an investor can’t capture the value, or when the risk is too … Read more

15th All India Peoples Science Congress

The 15th All India Peoples Science Congress, the bi-annual event held by the All India Peoples Science Network (AIPSN), was held in Bengaluru on 22-25 May 2015. The Congress is returning to the garden city … Read more

Mangalyaan Success: Putting it in Perspective

On 24th September 2014 when the Mangalyaan spacecraft was inserted into Martian orbit as planned, with Prime Minister Modi present at ISRO’s Mission Control Centre in Bangalore, ISRO declared its maiden interplanetary mission, the Mars … Read more

India’s Mars Mission Enter its Final Phase

India’s Mars Orbiter mission – the Mangalyaan – is now moving into its last and most critical phase. The Mars Orbiter is going to be transferred on 24th September from its current heliocentric or sun-centric … Read more

GSLV Success: Indian Space Programme Comes of Age

Scientists and engineers at ISRO, and people all over India, heaved a huge sigh of relief and cheered loudly, at the successful launch on January 5 of the GSLV D5 rocket with an indigenous cryogenic … Read more