FDI in Defence: Technology is Key Not Money
DSF Petition for Water-saving WC Flush Standards
Science & Myth
Rethinking India’s Climate Policy: DSF – Oxfam Paper
Indian Climate Change Policy: Exploring a Co-Benefits Based Approach
Assault on Scientific Temper

Earlier this year, the All India Peoples Science Network (AIPSN) called for observing August 20 as National Scientific Temper Day (NSTD), in order to commemorate the cold-blooded murder of Dr.Narendra Dabholkar, well known campaigner against … Read more

Military Agreement with the US: COMCASA is on again

After years of wavering by India despite continuous prodding by the US, first under the UPA and then even by the BJP, it appears that another of the foundational agreements between the US and India … Read more

Assault on environmental regulations: reaching a peak?

The BJP government has continued its inexorable march towards severely diluting the already weak environmental regulations in the country, as part of its drive to promote “ease of doing business,” in other words to serve … Read more

The Peopling of South Asia and the New Genomic Evidence

Slowly, but surely, the story of the peopling of South Asia is being unravelled, using genetic data and their analysis. The latest in this series, is a preprint of a paper by David Reich, Vagheesh … Read more

Hacking Democracy with Big Data, Fake News and Big Money

Starting with the Channel 4 exposé of Cambridge Analytica, and now the NaMo app that sends data to, we are beginning to realise the impact of big data on elections. If we combine this … Read more

Yet Another Fighter Tender: Confusion and Worse

History repeats itself, wrote Karl Marx, first as tragedy then as farce. One wonders how he would have characterized a third repeat, when all the tears are done and even the disorganized buffoonery is over.  … Read more