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Near miss at Mumbai airport: accidents waiting to happen

Near miss at Mumbai airport: accidents waiting to happen       A potentially horrendous disaster was somehow averted at Mumbai airport on May 31. Two aircraft with close to 250 passengers and crew on board … Read more

New US auto fuel efficiency and emissions norms

New US auto fuel efficiency and emissions norms  It must be said, there has not been a dull moment since new US President Barrack Obama took office in January this year. Perhaps in the first … Read more

US Defence Budget 2010: change and continuity under Obama

  US Defence Budget 2010: change and continuity under Obama The Obama administration has sent its first defence budget, for fiscal 2010, to Congress for approval. This budget deserves to be carefully studied, if not … Read more

India’s Israeli spy satellite: quid pro quo

Another link in the deepening military ties between India and Israel was established on April 20 when the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully launched a sophisticated surveillance satellite procured from Israel. Fooling nobody, ISRO … Read more

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Kamala Menon Secretary Delhi Science Forum D-158 Lower Ground Floor, Saket New Delhi – 110017 Phone: 26524323, 26524324 Tel/FAX: 26862716 e-mail: [email protected]

The Little Man Who Wasn’t There

If we look at national interest, Indian science has a stake in an open source model of innovation to bring down the cost of products. A knowledge monopoly based system of innovation may end up … Read more

Bayer Sues The Indian Govt To Retain Its Monopoly Right

  Why is the premier drug regulatory authority in India interested in curbing its own powers by becoming subservient to the decisions of the Patent office. Is this a result of influence that is being … Read more