Rafale selected… now consolidation

The much awaited announcement of the winner in India’s medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) acquisition was finally made a fortnight ago, with the Rafale fighter from Dassault Aviation of France taking away the coveted deal. … Read more

The 2G Judgement Dismisses Sibal’s No-Loss Argument

The Supreme Court’s judgement on 2G of cancelling the 122 licenses awarded in 2008 has blown away the vacuous claims that Sibal, the Minister for Communications and IT had been making of “no loss”. Sibal … Read more

India Buys More US Weaponry

When India rejected the two US contenders for its prestigious and much awaited $10 billion order for medium multi-role combat aircraft, many in the US raised shrill protests that India was not living up to … Read more

A Toothless Nuclear Safety Authority

Last September, the UPA Government introduced the Nuclear Regulatory Authority Bill in the Lok Sabha and is currently before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology. The provisions in the Bill are such that … Read more

US-Saudi-UAE Arms Deals: Strengthening US Security Net in the Gulf

Records, they say, are meant to be beaten. Those who had characterized India’s acquisition of 126 combat aircraft for around $10 billion, billed as the largest ever single military purchase, as the “mother of all … Read more

Nefarious Design to Legitimise Exorbitant Prices

The Government has recently made public the “Draft National Pricing Pharmaceutical Policy, 2011” The circulation of the draft policy, supposedly to make medicines more affordable, comes in a situation where studies show that out-of-pocket medical … Read more

Nuclear Liability Act & its Rules: The Tail Wagging the Dog

THE Civil Liability for Nuclear Damages Rules notified on November 11, 2011 does what the US government has been demanding of India – completely dilute the liability of the nuclear suppliers. This is in complete … Read more

Durban Climate Agreement: the Morning After

Finally, after many climate summits aimed at negotiating a global compact to succeed the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, the seventeenth Conference of Parties (COP 17) at Durban has arrived at an agreement. … Read more

Diesel Automobiles Scam

An advertisement currently running on TV for Chevrolet’s Beat Diesel has the closing line “Fuel is getting less expensive.” Since the sharp rise in petrol prices was headline news just recently, one was surprised at … Read more

No Smoking Gun in IAEA Report on Iran Media Hype for Ratcheting up Pressure

WITH the new IAEA report on Iran, the international media is abuzz with reports of its gravity and the possibility of air strikes by the US, UK and Israel. The pitch has been raised further … Read more

NTP 2011: Yesterday’s Scam as Policy Today

THE brand new National Telecom Policy 2011 (NTP 2011) proposed with a lot of fan fare has the same objective as earlier such policies – NTP 1994 and NTP 1999 – how to create new … Read more

The New 3G Scam: Har Friend Zaroori Hota Hai

THE more things change, the more they remain the same in telecom. Even after the massive 2G scam that has rocked the country, more of the same are in the offing. In 3G, various parties … Read more