Silent Spring — 50 years on

This column is admittedly, and regrettably, late in running an article commemorating the 50th year after the publication in September 1962 of Rachel Carsons’ “Silent Spring,” arguably one of the most influential books of our … Read more


BHOPAL GAS PEEDITH MAHILA UDYOG SANGHATHAN (BGPMUS) 51, Rajender Nagar, Bhopal 462010 & BHOPAL GAS PEEDITH SANGHARSH SAHAYOG SAMITI (BGPSSS) C/o Delhi Science Forum, D-158, Saket, New Delhi 110017 PRESS STATEMENT On the 28th anniversary … Read more

The 2G Auction: Rigged to Flop?

The recent auction of the 2G spectrum has drawn bids of only Rs. 9,407 crore. Various spokespersons of the Congress and Union ministers have been propagating that this somehow justifies Raja’s illegal first-come-first-served policy of … Read more

History, Genetics and Statistics

The study of the past has never been an easy exercise.  We earlier had two sources of data – textual and archaeological. All this had to be fitted into patterns for a coherent and consistent … Read more

Health Insurance: The Road to Health for All?

  In 2007 the Government of Andhra Pradesh launched an insurance scheme that was designed to protect patients from the ‘catastrophic’ impact of out of pocket expenses incurred on hospital care. Termed as the ‘Rajiv … Read more

India’s satellite launch capability: problems remain

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) saw the successful launch of its latest communications satellite, GSAT-10, on September 29. There were the usual celebrations and claims of new records testifying to India’s growing space prowess, … Read more

Biodiversity for Human Survival

THE divide between poor and rich countries in the world can also be roughly mapped into another kind of division – that between gene or biodiversity rich countries and patent rich countries. A major part … Read more

Another blow for aam admi: Government poised to dance to the tune of big drug companies

The Government of aam admi is poised to act once again in the interests of big business and against the interests of a vast majority of the people in this country. It has been widely … Read more

Another blow for aam admi: Government poised to dance to the tune of big drug companies

The Government of aam admi is poised to act once again in the interests of big business and against the interests of a vast majority of the people in this country. It has been widely … Read more

Mobilising for Health

WALKING down the streets of Cape Town, it all looks so familiar. Almost twelve years ago, health activists from all over the world had come together in Bangladesh, and marched down the streets of Savar, … Read more

The Other Half of the Coal Loot – Looting through the Power Market

  There is a story doing the rounds that when a Minister went up to Manmohan Singh complaining about “primitive accumulation of capital” with respect to a huge real estate scam, the PM asked him … Read more

How Not to Block Websites and Inform People

The blocking of some websites and twitter handles recently have produced different kinds of response – some have questioned the blocking itself while others have argued that the government action was ham handed even if … Read more