Bullet Train: Glamour Project Kicks Off

The bullet train project between Mumbai and Ahmedabad was formally launched by PM Modi and visiting Japanese PM Shinzo Abe at Ahmedabad last week. The project has been hailed by government and ruling party circles, … Read more

New Fighter Deal: Picking up Pace, and Cronies

BOTH the horses in the race for India’s impending acquisition of single-engined fighter aircraft have now been officially identified, with the deal to be struck under the new strategic partnership route incorporated into the Defence … Read more

Adani Import Fraud of 2014 and its Continuing Dividend

The Adanis are again in the news, this time for importing transmission equipment from Japan, China and South Korea, hiking its price through an Adani intermediary in Dubai, and transferring the difference to the off-shore … Read more

This Independence Day, Remember the Children of Gorakhpur

Seventy years of independence, in normal circumstances, should call for celebrations across the nation. Unfortunately these are not normal times. For once we hoped that even this government, hard wired to proclaim its nonexistent achievements … Read more

Scientists Take to the Streets for Science

The March for Science took place on August 9 in more than 30 cities and towns in the country, involving thousands of scientists, researchers, teachers and students. These protests took place in the context of … Read more

Niti Aayog’s Plan to Privatise District Hospitals

The current BJP led government spares no effort to seek new avenues that have the potential to contribute to the profits of private enterprises. To promote such efforts a recurring policy thrust has been on … Read more

Cyber Peace Treaty or the Peace of the Hegemon?

 After WannaCry and (Not)Petya ransomware hitting global high profile organisations, there is a much greater awareness of the risks from cyber weapons. Both these ransomwares used EternalBlue, the stolen NSA exploit of a Windows … Read more

Flogging a Lie to Undermine Public Healthcare

Three seemingly unconnected developments in the past weeks are emblematic of the current approach to public services in general and healthcare services in particular. The first development pertains to the Institute for Liver and Biliary … Read more

Eminent Scientist PM Bhargava Passes Away at 89

All India People’s Science Network (AIPSN) expresses deep grief at the passing of Professor Pushpa Mitra Bhargava, a well known scientist and a guide to many in the country, who are committed to the promotion … Read more

Solid Waste Incineration: Bad Technology Choice

Municipal solid waste (MSW) has become a massive problem in India’s cities and towns and poses huge problems for public health, the environment and urban living conditions in general. About 170,000 tonnes of MSW are … Read more

Artificial Intelligence and the Threat to Our Humanity

 Stephen Hawking had warned a few years back that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could spell the end of human race, a threat echoed by Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, Bill Gates, and many others. … Read more

Peopling of South Asia and Multiple Migrations from Outside

The genetic evidence shows significant migrations from Eurasian steppes into South Asia. Rough Transcript: Prabir Purkayastha (PP): Hello and welcome to Newsclick. Today, we have with us Dr. Satyajit Rath. Satyajit, we have with us yet another recent paper in evolutionary … Read more