Can Iran and US Breathe Life Back into Nuclear Deal?

The possibility of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—or the Iran nuclear deal—being revived, though difficult, has brightened. It could have been accomplished much earlier if not for the Biden administration’s attempts to extract … Read more

Ethanol from Rice: Let them Eat Cake!

A French princess sometime in the 17th or 18th century was told that the peasants were restless and complaining they had no bread. The princess was said to have uttered the legendary phrase, “well then, … Read more

Trump’s Version of the Iran Accord: Heads I Win, Tails you Lose

THE US, after walking out of the Iran accord, is now shouting foul as Iran breaches the 300 Kg enriched-uranium stockpile limit of the accord. So does the US expect Iran to live up to … Read more

Giant Aerospace Merger

MERGER fever seems to be spreading, this time in aerospace which has witnessed continuous merger and acquisitions (M&A) activity for over several decades as technologies have advanced, R&D and production costs have gone through the … Read more

Modi and Trump Want to Send Us Back to the Stone Age

EINSTEIN was once asked of the kind of weapons that could be used in a Third World War. He said he could not predict weapons that would be used in the Third World War, but … Read more