Assault on Environment Regulations Continues

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government’s relentless assault on environmental regulations, and therefore on the environment itself, to serve the interests of corporates and their industrial, infrastructure and commercial projects continues unabated. In a recent … Read moreAssault on Environment Regulations Continues

Webb Telescope Opens New Window in the Sky

The new Webb telescope has shown that NASA’s $10 billion investment and 26 years are finally delivering their promise: pictures of the cosmos in depth, detail and quality far beyond what we had. The first … Read moreWebb Telescope Opens New Window in the Sky

Webb Telescope Opens New Window in the Sky

Exciting times for astrophysicists, as the Webb telescope delivers astounding details of the cosmos, from its farthest reaches to the beginning of time. Will it also help find dark matter and answer other questions? The … Read moreWebb Telescope Opens New Window in the Sky

Will Monkeypox Outbreak Replay AIDS and Covid-19 Script?

With more than 3,400 cases (22 June), the recent monkeypox outbreak in Europe and North America has become international news. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has reacted by monitoring the progress of monkeypox globally, issuing … Read moreWill Monkeypox Outbreak Replay AIDS and Covid-19 Script?

Death Trumps Life at Geneva Ministerial

On 2 June, days before the 12th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation, Winnie Byanyima, executive director of UNAIDS, warned the world of a grim future without patent waivers. “In a pandemic, sharing technology … Read moreDeath Trumps Life at Geneva Ministerial

The Emergency Then: Life in Jail

Tihar Jail was a very large prison, occupying about 65 to 70 acres. There were low barracks in each ward, all single-storey, with some grounds attached to each. Once the prisoners were let out during … Read moreThe Emergency Then: Life in Jail

The Importance of Self-Reliance, Scientific Temper and ‘Idea of India’

The normally bi-annual All India Peoples Science Congress (AIPSC) postponed by two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was held in Bhopal on June 6-9, 2022.  Readers may remember that the All India Peoples Science … Read moreThe Importance of Self-Reliance, Scientific Temper and ‘Idea of India’

Why Cryptocurrency Must Die

After the relentless hype about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Solana, Dogecoin, and LUNA, we have witnessed their complete meltdown over the last couple of years. The hype was primarily driven by the … Read moreWhy Cryptocurrency Must Die

Will India Fall for US Offer on Fighters for Indian Aircraft Carriers?

Are military technology aspects of the US-India relationship set to change in the coming years? Recent reports suggest that the US is preparing a $500 million foreign military assistance package for India which, although a … Read moreWill India Fall for US Offer on Fighters for Indian Aircraft Carriers?

WHO Report on COVID-19 Excess Deaths: Modi Government’s Attempt to Shoot the Messenger

The Indian government’s refusal to consider the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates of excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic years and insisting that only India’s Civil Registration System should be used for COVID-19 deaths makes … Read moreWHO Report on COVID-19 Excess Deaths: Modi Government’s Attempt to Shoot the Messenger

Coal Shortages and Power Cuts: Mismanaged Electricity Supplies

Even before we reached peak summer, power cuts started in many states. With power demand reaching 201 GW on 26th April, we had a shortfall of 8.2 GW or 4%. In the peak of summer, … Read moreCoal Shortages and Power Cuts: Mismanaged Electricity Supplies

Building an India with a Scientific Vision

India’s struggle for independence was not simply to free India from British rule, but also to build a nation that would deliver development to its people. The fruits of independence would be bitter indeed, if … Read moreBuilding an India with a Scientific Vision