Kalam’s Disturbing Vision

APJ ABDUL KALAM clearly has the support of the majority of the Electoral College that will elect the president and looks destined to be the next occupant of the Rashtrapati Bhavan. This is at a … Read more

Stephen Jay Gould : A Great Scientist-cum-Social Thinker

STEPHEN Jay Gould, paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, science writer, a refreshing social thinker and one of the last surviving polymaths of our age passed away in May this year. Gould leaves behind a controversial body of … Read more

Indo-Pak Nuclear Exchange?

WHILE Indo-Pak tensions reached an apparent zenith last week, with over a million troops facing each other eyeball to eyeball, mortar and artillery fire across the LOC and international border at their fierciest for years, … Read more

Public Health Response To Lifestyle Diseases

IN recent years there has been increasing focus on what are termed as “lifestyle diseases”. These are diseases that are brought on by an unhealthy lifestyle – sedentary habits (low physical activity), preference for unhealthy … Read more

Genomic Research and Health Care

EVER since Watson and Crick discovered the structure of the human DNA in 1953, scientists have speculated that the future of medical diagnosis and treatment would lie in the mysteries hidden in this structure. The … Read more

Medical Tourism and Public Health

THE most recent trend in privatisation of health services is medical tourism, which is gaining prominence in developing countries. Globalisation has promoted a consumerist culture, thereby promoting goods and services that can feed the aspirations … Read more

Orissa Restructuring and Privatisation: A Failed Paradigm

THE failure of the Orissa power reforms – separation of generation, transmission and distribution first and then their privatisation – has received little attention considering that similar reforms are now the lynchpin of current government … Read more

Air Gets Murkier: Latest Supreme Court Ruling On CNG

THE latest ruling of the Supreme Court reiterating mandatory and exclusive use of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) in public road transport vehicles in Delhi, turning down the appeal by the Delhi and central governments to … Read more

Maheshwar Project MP Govt Takes The Dabhol Route

It is shocking that the Madhya Pradesh government has decided to guarantee bonds to the tune of Rs. 350 crore to be floated by S. Kumar for the Maheshwar Hydel Power Corporation Ltd. It appears … Read more

US-India Military Links: Heads They Win, Tails We Lose- II

THE US publication Defense Monitor reported an unnamed Pakistani defense ministry source as saying, during General Musharraf’s US visit, that Pakistan wants “the kind of relationship the United States has with Egypt in terms of … Read more

Prabhu’s Power-Sector Reforms Public Investment For Private Appropriation

Suresh Prabhu in a recent interview (Business Line: January 22, 2002) spelt out his views on power sector reforms. He has admitted that the policies of the past ten years have failed to address the … Read more

Globalisation, Reforms And Health Care

INDIA embarked on its present path of economic liberalisation, on instructions from the World Bank and the IMF, relatively late. But in 1991 the infamous Manmohan Singh budget set things in motion. The immediate fallout … Read more