Time To Walk Away From The Nuclear Deal

THE two Houses of the US Congress have now passed the Hyde Act, which is going to be the basis for the final version of the Indo-US Nuclear Deal. We now need to specifically evaluate … Read more


THE passing in the Senate of the Indo-US Nuclear Deal has been hailed by the Indian media as a “big victory”, without even a cursory mention that it is the identical Bill that Manmohan Singh … Read more

Defence Scams Stink Spreads

Defence Scams Stink Spreads THE stench of sizeable scams in military purchases, arising from the Tehelka expose during the NDA regime and the inquiry into spurious dealings during the Kargil conflict, has come back with … Read more

Technology: Breaking The Cycle

  THE current approach to the Eleventh Plan identifies that the “growing interest of foreign direct investors in the economy provides a valuable method of injecting resources into the economy, upgrading our technological standards and … Read more


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No. Name Of The Publication Author Year Of Publication Pages Price 1. The Power Brokers Mortgaging India’s Power Sector Undated 32   Rs.10.00 2. The Cleansing of Delhi :Aftermath of the Supreme /court orders of … Read more

Lebanon And Gaza: The Myth Of Israel’s Self Defence

THE Israeli and the western media has built the myth that the attacks on Gaza and later on the Lebanese population are a response by Israel to their one soldier being kidnapped by the Hamas … Read more

The Indo-US Nuclear Deal: The PM’s Rajya Sabha Statement

IT is a matter of great significance that not only has the parliament discussed the Indo-US Nuclear Deal, it has also drawn the line of what is acceptable to the country and what is not … Read more

The Two Drafts Of The Nuclear Deal: Shackling India Hand and Foot

AFTER silence for more than a month on the two Bills drafted by the Senate and the House of Representatives Committees on the India US nuclear agreement, Manmohan Singh has finally been forced to respond … Read more

The Brave New World Of Genetics

AFTER the reading of the human genome, there are daily advances that research on genetics is reporting: from chimpanzee-human differences to a new world free of disabilities, superior intelligence and human happiness, all implanted into … Read more

Finding Medicines For The Poor: A Step Forward

ANALYSTS have, for long, referred to the “10/90 gap”, according to which only 10 per cent of investment in R&D of new drugs is aimed at the so-called “orphan diseases,” which afflict 90 per cent … Read more

Re-Configuring The NPT: The Iran Issue

THE Iran issue is now reaching a flash point with a number of reports coming out of the Bush administration of a military strike and even a possible nuclear “bunker” bomb to “destroy” Iran’s nuclear … Read more