Difficulty Of Growing Tails Again

As the events in the last few months have shown, there has been a parting of the ways between the Left parties, particularly the CPI(M) and various sections, which had earlier appeared to be a … Read more

India Goes Russian: Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft

  INDIA and Russia finally signed an agreement last week for “co-development” of a fifth-generation fighter, a truly contemporary air-superiority aircraft that should be inducted around 2012-15 and serve the Indian Air Force through the … Read more

The Myth Of Free Nuclear Energy

THE Congress and its spokespersons have been on overdrive selling a number of myths about the benefits of the India-US Nuclear Deal. Foremost in that has been that of a mythical nuclear bus, which if … Read more

Sethusamudram Project And BJP’s Pseudo Science

  Sethusamudram Project And BJP’s Pseudo Science THE Hindutva brigade and their drumbeaters have decided once again to indulge in their favourite pastime. In the last couple of weeks they have been fuelling a campaign … Read more

“123 = 126?”

LAST week India finally put out its long-awaited global tender for 126 multi-role combat aircraft in an order expected to be worth as much as 10 billion US dollars (Rs 42,000 crore). The progress of … Read more

Discovering Nuclear Energy For Justifying A Bad Deal

WE are having a discussion in the country on the importance of nuclear energy to our energy basket only in the context of the India-US nuclear deal. The government and the prime minister have gone … Read more

What Ashok Desai Does Not Know About James Watt (or Patents)

WHEN the Mashelkar Committee’s Report was losing credibility for “lifting” the operative part of its report from a submission made to the committee, Ashok Desai, a well known economist and the consultant editor of Telegraph … Read more

Patent Wars And The Indian Scenario

THE past few months have been quite important for developments in the patents front. Most of the action has come from the US, with the US Supreme Court giving two important judgements on the scope … Read more

Powerless In Summer: The Story Of The Power Sector Reforms

INDIA’S power policies are in a quite a bit of mess. It is now clear that we are likely to see large power cuts this year, the impact of which is already visible. After more … Read more

Revisiting FDI Caps In Telecom

THE recent case in Delhi High Court has brought into the open what has been always public knowledge – that Telecom companies have been flouting the FDI limits set by the law. During Vodaphone’s taking … Read more

Axis of Evil — New Nukes for US & UK

EVEN as the world watches while the US threatens, bullies and blackmails North Korea into giving up its nuclear weapons, and does the same with Iran over its alleged nuclear weapons programme, the leaders of … Read more

Novartis And Mashelkar: Tripping Up On Patents

THE last few weeks has seen some major developments on the Indian Patents Act, as amended in 2005. One is the challenge by Novartis of Section 3(d) of the Act, which addresses what is not … Read more