Infinite Justice, Finite Targets: US War On Terror

THE war on terrorism declared and launched by the US is taking shape and gathering momentum. Events are unfolding and a pattern beginning to form, if somewhat slower than may have been expected given the … Read more

Holy Wars, Unholy Warriors: Terrorist Strikes In USA

THE terrorist attacks in the USA on Tuesday September 11, 2001 will go down in history as arguably the most horrendous and audacious act of terror to date. The co-ordinated attacks targeted the heart of … Read more

Drowning of Russian Submarine

The Russian nuclear-powered submarine Kursk, one of its newest submarines considered highly reliable, went down in the Barents Sea off the Russiaport of Murmansk on August 12 last week, and yesterday all hopes of any … Read more

US Anti-Missile Test Fails Despite Fixing

THERE was much expectation and discussion surrounding the July 8 test by the US of its anti-missile system which is to form the basis of the proposed National Missile Defence (NMD) system of the USA. … Read more

Intellectual Property Rights Or Monopoly Super Profits

The current controversy on the changes to India’s Patent laws, the resistance to Monsanto’s seed trials and Microsoft’s troubles with the antimonopoly authorities are all aspects of the drive of global MNCs to derive monopoly … Read more

Amendment to India’s Patent Act

THE Indian Patents, (Second Amendment) Bill has finally been passed by both houses of parliament. The passage of the Bill brings down the curtain on a long and contentious debate in the country regarding India’s … Read more

The Bt Cotton Controversy A Leap Into the Dark?

SOMETIME in late 1998, Monsanto — the US based multinational corporation — was tipped off by a call to its (now defunct) freephone “sneak” line that Percy Schmeiser, a 68-year-old Canadian farmer was growing Roundup … Read more

Ancient Civilisations and the Aryan Myth

The belief of Aryan superiority and identifying Aryans with white skin and blue eyes was a strong component of Nazi Germany’s racial beliefs. It was intimately connected to the larger racial construction underlying imperialism. A … Read more

Calling People Niggers and Wogs — the Science of IQ

Racism is intimately connected with imperialism and serves as one of its ideological underpinnings. The growth of racism in the West has been historically co-terminus with the growth of colonialism. Colonising Africa, Asia and the … Read more

Afroasiatic Roots of Greece

In Alexandria, Egypt, there is a Greco-Romanic museum founded by two Frenchman in 1890’s. The striking feature of this museum is its attempt to portray Egypt under the Ptolemy’s as essentially Greek. Alexander founded Alexandria … Read more

Race is Truly Skin Deep — Out of Africa Origin of Homo Sapiens

The evolution of humanity from the more ape like ancestors may appear to be only a scientific question. However, race and class viewpoints are intimately connected to such questions as they impact the structure of … Read more

Scientific Racism and Recent Technologies in Java

The history of human evolution has always been deeply tainted by the politics of race. Initially, the reigning anthropologists argued that the races were virtually different species, descended independently from the apes — the thesis … Read more