India Plans to Sell Only Electric Cars by 2030

India recently announced a goal to produce and sell only electric cars (presumably including 2- and 3-wheelers) by 2030, chiefly aiming to reduce the petroleum import bill and running cost of vehicles, while simultaneously reducing … Read more

US Exits Paris Agreement

US President Donald Trump made the shocking, but not unexpected, announcement last week that the US is pulling out of the Paris Agreement (PA) on climate change. 195 countries had endorsed PA last December and … Read more

NSA’s Hacking Tool in World’s Biggest Malware Attack

  Last week, the world woke up to the largest cyber security threat ever, with a ransomware wannacry originating from NSA’s cache of cyber weapons, infecting hundreds of thousands of computers. Computers in more than … Read more

Is Trump Starting a Second Korean War, This Time with Nuclear Weapons?

The US has been positioning its aircraft carrier strike force Carl Vinson and USS Michigan, an Ohio class nuclear submarine, off the coast of the Korean peninsula. Trump has threatened that if China does not … Read more

March for Science

 Earth Day, commemorated on 22 April each year, has always seen marches and demonstrations highlighting dangers to life on the planet and mobilizing people for the defence of the environment from wanton exploitation and … Read more

Generic Prescribing of Medicines: Diktats are Not a Substitute for Sound Public Policy

In a recent public meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the government would take steps to reduce costs incurred on purchase of medicines by making it mandatory for doctors to prescribe medicines in generic name. … Read more

Hyperloop in India: Yet Another Pipedream?

There is a new buzz in the country at the prospect of an ultra-modern, even futuristic, transportation system making a debut in India, among the first few countries to host this much-touted system. If it … Read more

National Health Policy 2017: Assurance for Whom?

The Government has finally approved the National Health Policy-2017, bringing to an end a two year long process. A draft of the policy was available since mid-2015 but it is believed that the government, at … Read more

Earth’s Seven Sisters Only 40 Lightyears Away

An international team of scientists have discovered a set of seven near earth-sized exoplanets circling a nearby star, named Trappist-1. They have reported this discovery recently in Nature. What is exciting about these exoplanets is … Read more

ISRO’s Record Launch: Less Known Innovations

India last week once again breathlessly celebrated another record-breaking feat by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in launching 104 satellites on a single flight of its Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) C-37 on 16 … Read more

Who Benefits from a Compromised World Health Organisation?

The World Health Organisation is set to elect a new Director General at the World Health Assembly in May 2017, marking the completion of two four-year terms of the current Director General, Margaret Chan. Three … Read more

Cancer Replication Study Succeeds for Just Two Out of Five Papers

Why is this so and what implications does it have for science and medicine? A high profile exercise in replicating the results of some high impact papers has found that only 2 out of the … Read more