Memorandum of Association

D-158, Lower Ground Floor
Saket, New Delhi – 110017

Memorandum of Association

1) Name of the Society:
The name of the society shall be “Society for Delhi Science Forum” henceforth called FORUM in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

2) Registered Office:
The Registered Office of the Society shall be situated in the Union Territory of Delhi and at present it is at the following address:J-55, Saket, New Delhi – 110017.

3) Aims and Objectives of the Forum:
a) To provide a forum for discussion:
i. Social, Economic and Political implications of Science and Technology and S&T policies,
ii. The problems of organisation of scientific and technological institutions,
iii. The role of scientific and technological personnel in the development of the country.

b) To Promote:
i. Indigenous scientific and technological self reliance,
ii. Democratisation of the work of scientific and technological institutions/organizations in the country to further the creativity of  S&T personnel and people,
iii. Scientific temper amongst the people
iv. An awareness amongst people of the implications of science and technology policies on the society.

c) To undertake research and publications on issues relating to the interaction of the science and society.
d) To undertake any other activity that may further the above mentioned objectives
e) To collaborate with other organizations both inside and outside the country with similar objectives to achieve the Aims and Objectives of the Forum
f) All income of the society shall be utilized towards the promotion of the aims and objectives of the society

4) The names, address, occupations and designation of the present members of the Governing Body to whom the management and affairs of the society are entrusted as required under section 2 of the societies Registration Act of 1860 (Punjab Amendment Act 1957) as extended to the Union Territory of Delhi, are as follows: (Founder Members)

 Rules and Regulations

1. Name of the Society:
The name of the society shall be Society shall be Society for Delhi Science Forum henceforth called FORUM in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

2. Membership and Category of Membership:

2.1 Member: Any person residing in Delhi and interested in the Aims and Objectives of the forum may become a member of the Forum provided he is sponsored by a member and his membership is accepted by the executive committee.

2.2 Associate Member: Any person not residing in Delhi and interested in the Aims and Objectives of the forum may be a member of the Forum provided he is sponsored by a member and his membership is accepted by the executive committee.

2.3 The secretary shall maintain the membership register which shall be open to inspection by any member at the office of the Society during the normal working hours.

2.4 Subscriptions: Subscriptions for life members shall be Rs.200/- , membership shall be Rs. 10/- and for associate member Rs. 5/- per annum, all payable in one installment.  The Executive Committee may revise the subscription rates and obtain if so to do approval of General Body at its Annual Meeting.

2.5 Membership will be terminated: If the Subscription of a members is ordinarily remains in arrears for a period exceeding six months and not regularized even after a written notice.  However, if the Executive Committee is satisfied with the reasons for arrears, it may consider the continuance of the member provided the subscription in arrears is paid immediately.

2.6 A member shall be expelled temporarily or permanently from the Forum and have his name removed from the list of members if in the opinion of the Executive Committee such as a member has:
i. Conducted himself in a manner prejudicial to the aims and objects of the Forum or
ii. Intentionally done any act of omission liable to injure the credit and good name of the Forum or
iii. Acted against the integrity and interest of the Forum

The said member shall be given a written notice of the proposal and the notice period shall be 15 days.  The executive committee shall examine  the explanation given by the member before taking a decision on the  matter.  A member expelled temporarily may apply for readmission and  may be readmitted subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

3. Executive Committee:

3.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the following office bearers and members:
i.) President
ii.) ii) Two Vice Presidents
iii.) iii) Secretary
iv.) iv) Two Jt. Secretaries
v.) v) Treasurer
vi.) vi) Fifteen Committee Members
vii.) vii) Maximum upto FOUR members to be co-opted by the executive committee

3.2 The Management of the Forum shall be vested in the Executive Committee.  This Executive Committee shall be responsible for the day to day management, execution and working of the Forum and will have necessary authority for taking all appropriate actions for carrying out, executing and implementing the resolutions and directives passed and conveyed by the General Body, inter alia authority to deal with any emergencies affecting the interests of the Forum.

3.3 Annual book shall be filled as per section 4 of the Societies Registration    Act 1860

4. Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee:
The Executive Committee shall perform the following function subject to the general control of the General Body of the Forum:
i. to admit members and life members
ii. to take disciplinary action and/or terminate the membership
iii. to frame rules and regulations subject to this Forum   contribution for the proper functioning of the forum
iv. to appoint sub-committees for various functions as it deems necessary for the working of the Forum
v. to prepare memoranda, negotiate and settle, subject to final sanction of the General Body, all issues affecting the interest of the members
vi. to expand the funds of the Forum and to arrange for their proper accounting and auditing
vii. to call all meetings of the general body as and when it deems fit or
viii. to do all acts and take much actions as may be necessary in furtherance of the aims and objects of the Forum, and for regularization of its activities.
ix. to submit an annual report of the working of the forum at the general meeting
x. to organize seminars and symposiums under the auspices of  the Forum wherever any such activity may be decided upon
xi. to co-opt a patron members maximum up to four for the executive committee who shall hold office until the next elections
xii. to publish a house bulletin/magazines
xiii. to submit the duly audited annual accounts of the forum
xiv. to fill in interim vacancies for the executive members who shall hold office until the next elections

5. Powers Duties of the Office bearers:

5.1 The President: The president will preside over all the meeting of the forum and the executive committee and will guide and supervise the working of the forum.  The president will have the right of a casting vote and will exercise the same, whenever the executive committee is equally divided.

5.2 The Vice-President/Vice-Presidents:  In the absence of the president, one of the Vice-President will preside over all meetings of the Forum and the Executive Committee, and will have all the powers and responsibilities of the President.  In the absence of the both the president and the vice president, the members present at the general body meeting/executive committee shall elect their Chairman of that particular meeting and the Chairman will preside over such a meeting.

5.3 The Secretary: The Secretary will be responsible for day to day functions of the executive committee.  The secretary shall work only under the collective direction and responsibility the executive committee at Registered Office. The Secretary shall convene and coordinate all meetings and shall keep a record of all the proceedings and perform all other work in conformity with resolutions directions of the executive committee from time to time.

The secretary will record, review and report the activities and   achievements of the Forum before the Annual General Body Meeting of  the Forum.  The Secretary or his nominee shall maintain an up-to-date register showing names and number of members enrolled.

The Secretary shall have the power to pass for payment of all bills for
contingent expenses and will ordinarily have the authority to spend up to a  maximum of Rs. 500/- without prior sanction of the Executive Committee but shall get post fact approved of the Executive Committee for such or  similar expenditure.  The General Secretary shall be responsible for submitting to the Registrar of Societies all returns and notice that should be sent to that officer under the Societies Registration Act 1860 (Punjab Amendment Act 1957

5.4 The Joint Secretary/Secretaries: The Joint Secretary shall assist the Secretary in the discharge of the duties of the later and assume all the responsibilities of the Secretary in case the Secretary is not available for any reason whatsoever.

5.5 The Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for all receipts and disbursements, proper accounting for funds of the Forum and shall submit financial (Annual) report in the prescribed manner.

6. Elections of the office bearers and Executive Committee:

6.1 All members with a minimum standing of three months are eligible to vote and stand for elections.

6.2 Elections to the office bearers and executive committee will be held every two years and before the 30th April of the year in which it falls due.

6.3 Ordinary members in addition to the office bearers or executive committee members are eligible to serve on the various committees.

6.4 The term of office bearers and executive committee members would be for a period of two years and they can stand for re-election.

6.5 Interim vacancies can be filled up by the Executive Committee.  They will hold office until the next elections.

6.6 Electorate and Method of Elections:

Each member shall have a non-transferable vote, which would be cast though secret ballot.  The outgoing executive committee shall conduct the elections for which purpose a special meeting of the General Body shall be convened after due notice of 21 days.  Nominations shall be invited and scrutinized and names circulated within ten days of giving notice of the elections.  The withdrawals of the candidature shall be completed within three days after closure of nominations.  Each candidate’s name shall be proposed and seconded by members eligible for elections.  The ballot paper shall carry the names of all the candidates contesting for membership to the executive committee.  Only those present at the specially convened meeting shall exercise franchise.

7. General Body:

The General Body shall be the supreme body of the society and shall consist of all members of the Forum.  It shall conduct business through Annual (Ordinary special Extraordinary (Emergency) General meetings from time to time and at such places and at such times as the Executive Committee may decide as and when necessary.

7.1 Functions of the General Body:
The General Body shall be competent to transact the following business at the General Meeting:
i.) To elect members of the Executive Committee including the office bearers.
ii.) To receive and consider the report of the Executive Committee on the affairs of the Forum
iii.) To consider and approve the accounts
iv.) To appoint auditors
v.) To chalk out the policy and programmes of activities
vi.) To consider and approve, amend, ratify or reject draft memoranda and or proposals regarding any talks, negotiations or settlements as may be presented to it by the Executive Committee appointed by it.
vii.) To frame rules o by-laws for the Forum to add to them
viii.) To consider any resolution or motion for which due notice has been received by the Executive Committee

8. Constitution Amendment:

8.1 The constitution may be amended only by a specially convened General Body given a notice of 15 days after circulation of desired amendment.  Such a General Body may amend the Constitution with members present and 2/3 majority vote.  All amendment shall be subject to section 12 and 12A of the Societies Registration 1860.

8.2 Quorum: Quorum for the meeting will be as under:
General Meetings: — or 1/3rd of the number of members whichever is
Executive Committee Meeting: 1/3r

If within half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting there is no quorum, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of members shall be dissolved.  If any other case it shall stand adjourned and shall be held after half an hour at the same place to consider the agenda of the adjourned meeting.

9 Funds:

9.1 Funds of the Forum shall be raised by

i. Entrance fees
ii. Monthly Subscription
iii. Special contributions or levies from members may be fixed by
the General Body or by the Executive Committee from time to time
iv. Donations and/or subsidies

9.2 The funds of the Forum Shall be deposited in an account opened with a Bank approved by the Executive Committee.  The Bank Account shall be operated by any two of the following office bearers-President or Secretary and Treasurer.  The Executive Committee shall at its descretion limit upto Rs. 250/- the cash balance which may be held by the Secretary/Treasurer to meet sundry expenses of the Forum.

9.3 The funds of the society shall be spent towards the promotion of the aims and objectives of the society and shall not be spent on any purpose other than the following.
i The payment of salaries, allowances and expenses to staff of the Forum.
ii The payment of expenses for the administration of the Forum including traveling expenses, audit of the accounts of the general funds of the Forum.
iii The payment for any legal proceedings to which the Forum or any member if authorized by the Forum thereof is a party when such proceedings are undertaken for the purpose of securing or protecting the rights and interests of the Forum and its members subject to section 6 of S.R. Act 1860.
iiii Publication of periodicals or magazines furthering particularly the interest of the Forum and its members.

10 Accounts

10.1 The executive committee, shall cause to be kept of all sums of money received and expended by the Forum and all matters in respect of receipts and expenditures take place and of the assets and liabilities of the Forum.

10.2 The books of accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer and shall be open to inspection by any member at the office of the society during which the office is open any week day excluding holidays.

10.3 The Accounting year for the Forum will be from 1st January to 31st December.  The annual income and Expenditure accounts and Balance Sheet of the Forum shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting within five months of the close of the accounting, year, duly audited by a competent auditor nominated by the General Body.

11 Dissolution of Forum.
The society can be dissolved by General Body Meeting called specially for the
purposes provided the quorum for this meeting will be two third of the
membership and three fourth of the members present vote for such a dissolution.

After the dissolution the assets and liabilities of the Forum will be disposed of in the manner decided under the provision of the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 (Punjab Amendment Act 1957)