Looking Back at the India US Nuclear Deal

MORE than 12 years have passed since the India US nuclear deal was signed. Pranab Mukherjee, then India’s External Affairs Minister, and Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, signed the U.S.-India Civilian Nuclear Cooperation … Read more

Floods, Drought, Heat, Fire – Welcome to Climate Change!

MANY parts of the world experienced extremes of climate and their consequences during June and July 2021. Whereas definitive attribution of particular weather events to specific causes has always been difficult given the numerous variables … Read more

Bezos and Musk: Heralding a New Space Age or a Space Grab?

THE space race was once between the Soviet Union and the United States. It is now – on the surface – between the three billionaires, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson. Two of them … Read more

Pegasus: Dangerous for Democracy

THE winged horse of the Greek fable Pegasus is haunting the Modi government once again. 17 news organisations including The Wire, Washington Post, The Guardian along with two NGO’s – Amnesty International and Forbidden Stories … Read more

Billionnaires’ Space Race

A NEW space race is on, not between superpowers, but between three billionaire businessmen with their space-based enterprises. Their goal, each in their own way, is to pioneer space tourism and to move space travel … Read more

Richard Lewontin, Dialectical Biologist and Activist, Dies at 92

​ Last week, Richard Lewontin, the dialectical biologist, Marxist and activist, died at the age of 92, just three days after Mary Jane, his wife of more than 70 years, had passed away. He was … Read more

India’s Deep Ocean Mission: Perilous Potential

THE cabinet committee on economic affairs last week approved a Deep Ocean Mission proposed by the ministry of earth sciences at a cost of Rs 4,077 crore over a period of five years, with funding … Read more

Lakshadweep Happenings: the Big Plot

WORLD Environment Day falls on June 5, each year and the theme for the coming decade has been declared as “Ecological Restoration.” It is indeed a tragedy that this article, written in commemoration of the … Read more

Ramdev’s Bogus Claims to Sell Patanjali Products Combines with BJP’s anti-Science Nationalism

ALL publicity is good publicity—so the old marketing slogan goes. Is that why Ramdev courts controversy by laughing at Covid-19 victims gasping for air on his Astha channel? His attack on allopathic medicine as “stupid … Read more

With his Bogus Claims, Ramdev is Pushing Patanjali Products and BJP’s Anti-Science Agenda

Ramdev’s disinformation campaigns, especially against vaccines and medical science, are causing immense damage. People could die if they trust his mumbo jumbo on Covid-19. ALL publicity is good publicity—so the old marketing slogan goes. Is … Read more

Why is India Failing to Vaccinate its People With the Biggest Vaccine Capacity in the World?

OUR first concept of self-reliance came out of our struggle for independence. It meant developing the indigenous capacity of our people, institutions and industry against the colonial control of the economy. The second self-reliance – … Read more

Misuse of Scientists, abuse of Science

FACED with scathing and mounting criticism of its mishandling of the Covid pandemic in India, the government seems to have launched an orchestrated defence of its policies and actions. Significantly, the task of opening this … Read more