Andhra’s IPP Policy: Private Loot of Public Finances

Andhra Pradesh has recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with a set of Financial Institutions (FIs), primarily Power Finance Corporation (PFC) and Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), so that that these FIs can … Read more

US Withdrawal From ABM Treaty- II

(The first part of this article appeared in last week’s issue dated 30-12-2001) CHAIRMAN of the US Senate’s powerful Foreign Relations Committee, Democrat Joseph R Biden Jr forcefully argued that “the ultimate test in deciding … Read more

Convergence Bill 2000 Or A Con Job On The People!

THE Convergence Bill 2000 placed before the Parliament is based on the hype that information technology (IT), telecommunications and entertainment industry are merging together. This completely obscures what is converging in the above areas and … Read more

Victory On Basmati?

THE Basmati patents debate has once again hit the headlines with the recent report that a US company, Ricetec, has been granted a Patent in the US by the US Patent and Trademark office. The … Read more

SEB Finances: In a Nutcracker

CURRENTLY, the finances of the State Electricity Boards (SEBs) are in complete shambles. The report of the Expert Group headed by Montek Singh Ahluwalia, set up to address this issue, has suggested “a one time … Read more

Again On Ancestral Echoes In Our Genes

WE had written earlier that the genetic evidence regarding the influx of people speaking and Indo-Aryan language is strong. New evidence from in-depth and extensive study done by a group of scientists, led by Michael … Read more

The Telecom Scenario: War Between Monopolies

Currently, there is war on between the various telecom lobbies. The basic service operators and cellular operators are on two sides of the divide, slugging it out on issues such as limited mobility or calling … Read more

Friends of Enron: A Powerful Lobby

THE Enron case is taking a curious turn indeed. From the US Ambassador to Bal Thakeray, from Dick Cheney to Sonia Gandhi, all are now talking of the need to solve the Dabhol-Enron issue amicably. … Read more

VSNL Disinvestment: Scam in the Making

THE BALCO disinvestment fiasco – handing over a highly profitable strategic industry to Sterlite, deeply implicated in Harshad Mehta’s stock market scam – has taught nothing to the Vajpayee government. The current disinvestment plans on … Read more

Enron’s Pawar Game

THE two states, Maharashtra in India and California in the US, have many things in common. Both are the most economically advanced states in their countries; both are passing through a serious power crisis; in … Read more

The Chief Ministers Conference False Consensus on Bankrupt Path

ON March 3, a Chief Ministers (CMs) Conference was held in New Delhi to chalk out a programme for the power sector. This was similar to many such conferences held in the past, namely the … Read more

The Human Genome Reading the Book of Life

THERE are some defining moments in the history of science. Cracking the atom, the first steps on the moon are such defining moments. Reading the book of life, the human genome is another such moment. … Read more