US Department Of Justice Succumbs To Microsoft

ON November 1 this year, US District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly approved of the agreement between the Justice Department and Microsoft on its anti-trust case. This agreement, while admitting that Microsoft was a monopoly and had … Read more

The World Social Forum: Another World Is Possible

THE global neo-liberal agenda – globalisation, privatisation and liberalisation – has become increasingly exposed as a neo-colonial agenda.  In country after country, prescriptions of the IMF and World Bank, policed by the World Trade Organisation, … Read more

Flop-8: Climate Conference In Delhi

NOT too many people had great hopes from the 8th Conference of Parties (or COP-8) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Even before the conference began, it was known that COP-8 would not … Read more

The Hoax Of The NASA Bridge

THE recent story of NASA discovering a “mysterious 1.75 million year ancient bridge” is now clearly exposed as a deliberate fraud by Hindu fundamentalists. It was initially propagated by Vaishnava News Network an ISKON web … Read more

Corporate Takeover of Water Resources

SINCE antiquity it has been assumed that water is a common resource that canand should be shared according to the needs of people. This assumption isbeing challenged across the world, as water becomes a scarce … Read more

Creating Brand Images: Television And Sports

THE recent controversy over the ICC and cricket underlies the power of television and money in sports today. Briefly, Rupert Murdoch had reached a 550 million dollars deal with the ICC by which during ICC … Read more

Twenty Five Years After Alma Ata

THE next year is going to be the 25 anniversary of the Alma Ata Declaration. The Alma Ata Declaration of 1978 was seen at that time as a watershed in the understanding regarding public health. … Read more

Johannesburg Summit—Corporate Governance For Sustainable Trade

MORE than 100 heads of states and 15000 delegates representing the governments, private sector, and non-governmental organisations participated in the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), from August 26 to September 4, in the South … Read more

Corporate Myth And The Reality Of Television

ON September 7, the world will celebrate 75th year of the invention of television. Yet, compared to the world-wide fame that other inventors such as Graham Bell, Marconi or Edison enjoy, the inventor of television, … Read more

Patenting Our Genes

THE battle on Patent rights is now poised to spill out of laboratories dealing with chemical substances to human bodies. Biotech companies are involved in a furious scramble to patent every bit of the human … Read more

IA Airbus Deal Up In The Air?

IN late March this year, the Board of Indian Airlines, based on inputs from various technical and financial committees working over several years, had finally decided upon the long-awaited first major fleet augmentation of the … Read more

Railway Privatisation De-rails in Britain

SIX years after privatising British Rail, the Labour government has finally pulled the plug on Railtrack and effectively re-nationalised the company. This is after years of paying out good tax payer’s money to Railtrack, the … Read more