Public Religion and Private Belief The Role of Catholic Church

THE “beatification” of Mother Teresa drew a worldwide audience with the media, both Indian and international figuring it prominently. Beatification is the first step in the complex process the church declaring anyone a saint. While … Read more

The East Is Redder

WHEN China had launched its first satellite, the Dongfanghong (East is Red) or DFH-1, at a time when it was relatively isolated internationally, its ties with the Soviet Union ruptured and involved in an aggressive … Read more

Unified Telecom License: Arun Shourie Vitiating a Sensible Move

ARUN Shourie, the minister of communications has been arguing that the TDSAT judgement on Wireless in the Local Loop (WiLL) cannot be implemented, as it will lead to “more litigations.” This argument should have been … Read more

The US Blackout: Lessons For India

THE blackout in the US and Canada that took place on the 14th of last month cut a wide swathe across north-east America, leaving more than 50 million people without electricity, some even more than … Read more

Charade On Public Health Before Cancun

AS the Cancun Ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organisation draws near, a charade is being played out in the name of public health. It may be recalled that the previous WTO Ministerial meeting held … Read more

Peddling Poison: Coca Cola and Pepsi Must Go!

THE year: 1970. In the South American country of Chile, Salvador Allende had just been elected as president but was yet to be confirmed and sworn in constitutionally. Allende had won in the face of … Read more

Nanotechnology: The Genie Is Out Of The Bottle

EVERY few years, a new hype fuels another stock market explosion. If it was microelectronics, the Internet and biotechnology earlier, it is now the turn of nanotechnology. And along with the hype, as it inevitably … Read more

The Musharraf Road Show: Strategic Implications

PAKISTANI president General Pervez Musharraf has returned after a high profile three week long international tour that took him to Germany, Britain, USA and France. Surely much to the disappointment of General Musharraf himself, this … Read more

Subsidising Tatas and Ambanis: The Crux of Power Sector Reforms

The bankruptcy of the privatisation policy of the power distribution is now clear from what is happening in Delhi. Even after another 9% rate hike this year following the earlier steep rise of 16% about … Read more

Poor Teledensity: A Recipe For Backwardness

THE telecom sector, vital for the economic growth of the country is now entering a phase where the well off subscribers bills are being reduced, while the pace of telecom penetration reduces. The last year … Read more

Human Cloning A Distinct Possibility

RECENTLY, the team that had cloned Dolly (the first large animal to be cloned) announced that they are working on human cloning. A few months back, the whole world and especially the scientific establishment was … Read more

CAS: Deeper Into The Mire

WITH national elections due in a bit more than a year, and elections to the Delhi Assembly less than a year away, the BJP is into full election mode. This has meant being driven by … Read more