The Fiasco Of Opinion Polls: Bad Psephology Or Bad Psephologists?

THE elections to the 14th Lok Sabha have been disastrous not only for the BJP led NDA but also to the pollsters. The huge number of opinion polls and exit polls had all predicted that … Read more

From Bofors To Bulgaria

COME election time, it should surprise nobody that accusations of scams be levelled by both the main contenders, the BJP and the Congress, against each other. Certainly, neither party is a stranger to scams, even … Read more

N K Singh Committee’s Report on the Power Sector: World Bank-IMF Wine In BJP Bottle

ONE of the many problems with the current NDA government is its insistence that India must shine at all costs, even if it means sweeping under the carpet all evidence of failure. The power sector … Read more

Privatisation Of Municipal Water Supply

IT is an irony, indeed a tragedy, that on World Water Day (March 23, 2004), one should be writing this article about efforts being made at the level of both the centre and many states … Read more

Where Have All The WMDs Gone?

THE world has been agog the past few weeks at the astounding revelations from Pakistan that Dr A Q Khan, the father of the Pakistani nuclear bomb, had passed on nuclear weapons technologies to Libya, … Read more


WITH the increase of cellular tariffs by about 15-20 per cent by all major cellular operators except BSNL soon after they have received fresh concessions on revenue sharing and lower interconnect charges, it is now … Read more

Rovers On Mars: Anyone Out There?

AN important milestone in space exploration was reached on January 4 when the American space agency NASA’s mobile robotic probe, named Spirit, successfully landed on Mars and started sending back spectacular images of the red … Read more

An Artificial Sun On Earth?

LAST week major world and nuclear powers meeting in Washington took further steps, but encountered a major hurdle, along the road towards a dream project for a nuclear reactor or power-generation system based on fusion … Read more

Waiting For Gorshkov

THE suspense over India’s proposed and long-awaited acquisition of the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov appeared to be over last week only to reappear almost immediately. The developments revealed yet again not only the contentious … Read more

Selling Out To MNCs: R&D Deal Between Glaxo And Ranbaxy

RECENTLY the leading Indian pharmaceutical company Ranbaxy and the leading global pharmaceutical major, Glaxo Smithe Kline announced that they had come to a collaborative agreement on pharmaceutical R&D. This agreement is being hailed in industry … Read more

Goodbye Concorde!Hello What?

A FORTNIGHT ago, the world witnessed a momentous event in aviation history: the retirement from service of the world’s first, and for long the only, civilian supersonic airliner, the Concorde. Five Concordes of the British … Read more

The US, Mini Nukes And Iran

THE continuing threat of nuclear weapons hanging over the globe has been brought out sharply by two recent developments. The United States has announced the development of mini nukes and bunker buster bombs in complete … Read more