World Bank And The Health Sector

THE World Bank has been, for some time,soliciting comments on itsCountry Action Strategy (CAS) for the World BankGroup in India,which is essentially a draft plan for intervention in Indiaby the World Bank in different sectors … Read more

Olympics And The Limits To Human Performance

THE greatest sporting spectacle is now underway in Athens. The Olympic games are a test of the limits to which the human body can be made to perform. The motto of the Olympic Games – … Read more

About Us old

Delhi Science Forum (DSF) was constituted in the year 1978 as a Public Interest Organisation registered under Societies. The primary aim of the forum was to work on the science and society interface including popularizing … Read more

Privatisaton And FDI In Indian Airports

ONE of the several developmental issues on which the CPI(M) and the Left in general on the one hand and the Congress-led UPA government on the other hand have differed has been in respect of … Read more

CMP Trips Up On Population Policy

THE more things change, the more they remain the same! One cannot but be overwhelmed with a sense of déjà vu on reading one particular section in the Common Minimum programme of the UPA government. … Read more

Chidambaram’s 74 Per Cent Argument

THE finance minister, P Chidambaram has proposed that the FDI caps for Insurance, Civil Aviation and Telecom be raised to 49 per cent for the first two and 74 per cent for the telecom sector. … Read more

Private Space Flight

THE successful flight in the US last week of the entirely private-funded SpaceShipOne taking 61 year-old pilot Mike Melvill into space made history in a number of ways. The event has been hailed as a … Read more

Privatisation In Power Sector Imposes High Costs On The Citizens

THE failure of restructuring of the electricity sector and the privatisation of erstwhile DVB are now becoming clearer by the day. It has imposed very high electricity costs on the citizens, as shown by the … Read more

The Stock Market Melt Down and the Media Hysteria

THE response of media, particularly the electronic one, to the stock market melt down of May 17, was revealing. It became the central story for days, pushing mundane events such as the electorate throwing out … Read more

Reviewing the Electricity Act 2003:Real Initiatives Needed-II

IN the earlier part of this article (June 6), we had examined why the cost of electricity has gone up almost three times in the last 10 years. As the major culprit, we had identified … Read more

Saras Flies: But Where To?

THE first Indian-made civilian passenger aircraft Saras, named after the Indian crane, took to the air in its maiden flight last week. Media stories and various commentators have promptly hailed this as a historic achievement, … Read more

Reviewing The Electricity Act 2003: Real Initiatives Needed – I

THE Common Minimum Programme of the new UPA government has finally accepted what the people concerned with the crisis of the power sector have been demanding all along: a re-look at the power policies followed … Read more