Avian Flu of Death

IN the last two years about 60 deaths in four countries (Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia) have been reported due to the dreaded “avian flu”.  On the face of it, not something that would appear … Read more

US Triggers Arms Race In South Asia

A HIGH-LEVEL US delegation led by Lt Gen Jeffrey Kohler, head of the Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency responsible for inter-governmental arms deals, visited New Delhi last week and made a top-security presentation to Indian … Read more

Privatisation Of Delhi water Supply

AMID a mounting storm of public criticism against the Delhi government’s plans to privatise water supply, coming on top of a wave of public protests against the hugely negative impact of electricity privatisation, the Delhi … Read more

Delhi Power Scenario: The Magic Of Privatisation

THE power scenario is Delhi is looking like a three-ring circus with Delhi government, DERC and the private Distcoms blaming each other for the tariff rise. If each of them is to be believed, none … Read more

Subverting The India Patent Act

THE Indian Patent Act was amended by the Indian parliament in March 2005, and due to the sustained pressure from the Left many problematic provisions of the Patents Ordinance issue by the government in December … Read more

Hell And High Water: Hurricane Katrina Hits US

THE havoc wreaked by Hurricane Katrina last week in the USA’s Gulf of Mexico region, and the response by the US government in terms of preparedness, rescue and relief, has shocked not only the people … Read more

MAPPING OF THE RICE GENOME: Triumph Of Public Funded Research

IT has been argued that if cereals – rice, wheat, corn, maize, etc — had not been cultivated by man, human civilisation may not have existed in the form we know today. Settled agriculture was … Read more


EVERY year when Delhi is sweltering in high heat and humidity conditions with frequent load shedding, the Delhi Electricity Regulator makes a further present to its people in the shape of increased rates of electricity. … Read more

Indo-US Nuclear Deal

THE Nuclear deal entered into by India and the US as part of the Indo-US Agreement signed by president Bush and Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh during the latter’s recent visit to the US has … Read more

Rural Teledensity, ADC And Maran’s Flat Rate For Long Distance Calls

THE telecom scenario is currently seeing two policy changes that could mean worsening of the already poor rural teledensity figures. The gap between the urban and rural areas is widening rapidly; while teledensity is increasing … Read more

BHEL Disinvestments And New Capitalism

WE have earlier focussed on how we need to make BHEL a global player in power equipment manufacturing. This is doubly important, as the major power market in the world today is China and India, … Read more

Stem Cell Research: Promises and Concerns

RESEARCH on stem cells has been in the news in recent times for very contradictory reasons. On the one hand, it raises visions of a constant supply of living material that can repair and replace … Read more