Re-Configuring The NPT: The Iran Issue

THE Iran issue is now reaching a flash point with a number of reports coming out of the Bush administration of a military strike and even a possible nuclear “bunker” bomb to “destroy” Iran’s nuclear … Read more

Intellectual Property Rights: Who Benefits?

THE debate on amendment of India’s Patent Law last year centred around the need to align our domestic laws in accordance with the TRIPS agreement in the WTO – i.e. the agreement on “Trade Realted … Read more

The Ultra Mega Power Project Manoeuvre: Backdoor Entry Of Failed Privatisation

THE power scene is becoming curios and curioser. Just as the power privatisation dreams of the government has foundered on the cruel rock of reality – with the Orissa Regulator cancelling the private distribution company’s … Read more

US National Security Strategy 2006

US president George W Bush released the latest US National Security Strategy in Washington on March 17, 2006. The NSS is the definitive US strategic policy document which, by law, is supposed to be announced … Read more

Data Exclusivity:Implications For Public Health

IN recent months there has been substantive lobbying by a section of the pharmaceutical industry in India – led by the multinational sector – and pressures from the US to provide for what is known … Read more

Indo-US Agriculture Initiative: Handing Indian Agriculture To Monsantos

As Bush descends on the country, a number of events are planned to synchronise with his visit and mark its success. One amongst the many has a vital bearing on more than 60% of Indian … Read more

FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE… Toxic ship Heads For India

THE decommissioned French aircraft carrier Clemenceau (pronounced kle-mon-so), once the pride of the French Navy and having seen action in first Gulf War in 1991, left France on the last day of 2005 on her … Read more

Fundamentalism And The Year Of 2005

AS 2005 closes and 2006 opens, we find that scientific outlook against Christian fundamentalism has made an important gain with the rejection of intelligent design theory by an US court. At the same time, it … Read more

US CAN And Others CAN’T: The Story of ICANN

THE recently concluded World Information Summit in Tunisia last month was supposed to address the yawning digital divide: both between nations and within nations. Instead, most of the public focus was in who would control … Read more

Urban Renewal Mission: Whose Agenda

THE UPA government last week announced a Rs 1,00,000 crore National Urban Renewal Mission (NURM) named after Jawaharlal Nehru, directed at substantial improvement in infrastructure and tackling of poverty in over 60 major cities in … Read more

Energy Security,Energy Policy and Nuclear Energy- II

IN the first part of the article (People’s Democracy, November 7-13, 2005) we had shown that nuclear power would meet only a small part (4 per cent) of our overall power requirement. We had also … Read more

Energy Security, Energy Policy And Nuclear Energy

ONE of the justifications given for India’s Iran vote in International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was that India’s future energy interests demand a decisive shift to nuclear energy and the US support in removing the … Read more