Owning Our Data The Microsoft Way

There has been a major battle that was fought and lost on Open Document Format, when the International Standard Organisation (ISO) finally accepted Microsoft supported OOXML as another document standard. Initially, ISO had voted against … Read more

New policy on ethanol-blended petrol: will less sugar be more sweet?

                        New policy on ethanol-blended petrol: will less sugar be more sweet? The government has been actively pursuing a policy of promoting ethanol- blended petrol (EBP). Petrol blended with 5% ethanol (E5 petrol) was introduced … Read more

Energy, Global Warming And Development – II

IT can be argued that increased use of electricity does not automatically mean a proportionate increase in CO2 emission. However, if we look at our current energy options, there is little doubt that fossil fuels … Read more

Energy, Global Warming And Development

Climate change and global warming makes for some strange bedfellows. We had the spectacle recently of Montek Singh Ahluwalia, the vice chairman of the Planning Commission, teaming up with the Liberty Institute, which claims to … Read more

New Metro Airports: private profit, public chaos

Everything in infrastructure or services in India these days has to be “world class”. And according to liberalizers in government and outside, especially in the media, this must mean owned and run by the private … Read more

IPCL Disinvestment

The current disinvestment proposal of the Union Government is a change from the earlier Nehruvian vision of self-reliance to the more limited one of Reliance. Only this explains the Government’s decision to sell off 25% … Read more

Break Military Ties With Israel

Last week, the All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation and Committee for Independent Foreign Policy issued a call for India to break its military ties with Israel, a call which was endorsed by Prakash Karat, … Read more

Shooting down Satellites

With much fanfare and media hype surrounding the event, the US shot down a dying spy satellite on 20th February 2008. US spokespersons stated that the shoot-down was necessary because the satellite, at the end … Read more

New Policy on defence contracts offsets:

 India’s policies on defence-related acquisitions from abroad and production within India are believed to have been directed not only at ensuring India’s security interests but also at promoting self-reliance and indigenous capability in this vital … Read more

Tata Nano: is small beautiful?

Tata Nano: is small beautiful? Tata Motors’ much awaited launch of its “1-lakh car” at the New Delhi Auto Expo last week has generated huge interest all over the world. Newspapers, television shows and the … Read more

Spectrum Wars Or Looting The Exchequer?

  The spectrum wars have got curious and curiouser. The Department of Telecom and the minister have tied themselves in knots on how to allocate new licenses and spectrum. Having talked of a first-come first-served … Read more

West Asia: The New US Backyard

The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) released by the US two weeks back on Iran has knocked the bottom out of the Bush administration’s campaign on Iran’s clandestine nuclear weapons program. The NIE, jointly prepared by … Read more