Age Of Carpetbaggers

The Finance Ministry’s decision to treat any Foreign Institutional Investor (FII) who has a Branch office in as a Mauritius Company under the Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty with Mauritius will lead to tax loss of … Read more

Crony Capitalism At Its Worst; FM Must Quit

The current crisis of the financial system is not one of merely a depressed stock market and a scam in UTI. It is now becoming clear the crisis goes well beyond — into other financial … Read more

India Infrastructure Report: Old Wine in Old Bottle

In the never-never land Indian capitalism, all that is required to generate wealth for the people is to promote the market and invite in private and foreign capital. In infrastructure, private ownership will be more … Read more

India External Debt: More than Meets the Eye

It has been claimed by the Government of India (GOI) that India’s  debt burden is not significant. In a report to the World Bank (India’s External Debt – A  Status Report, GOI, June, 1999), it … Read more

Animating Cartoons and Automating Consumers

With advances in electronics art, entertainment and information delivery are being restructured creating a new information order. As technological development transforms the various elements of television, films and distant learning introducing the new domain of … Read more

Infrastructure Sector and the Withdrawal of the State

(Courtesy: Economic & Political Weekly: Volume XXX.P.2114/34/1995) The “new” will always be far more evocative than the “old”, particularly as the old is visible as the present with all its ugly manifestations, warts and all, … Read more

Degrees In Pseudo-Science

THE University Grants Commission (UGC) on February 23 wrote to Indian universities announcing its clearance for the introduction of regular courses in Vedic Astrology in universities under its purview from the coming academic year. This … Read more

Trading In Water

VIRTUALLY since the dawn of human civilization, the total amount of fresh water available for human consumption and use has practically remained constant. It is just half a per cent of the total water on … Read more

Poznan Climate Conference: Half Way To Nowhere

THE post-Kyoto Protocol phase, or “second commitment period” of the global treaty on climate change which is to take effect from 2012 onwards, is scheduled to be finalised at the 15th Conference of Parties (COP … Read more

Terrorism & National Security – Learning From The Mumbai Assault

  IN the aftermath of the horrific terrorist attack in Mumbai, it is only to be expected that a raging debate has erupted about national security and possible lapses. However, little light has been shed … Read more

G8+5: Numbers Don’t Add Up For Climate Change

G8+5: Numbers Don’t Add Up For Climate Change   THE G8 Summit held in Heiligendamm, Germany on June 6-7, 2007 had climate change as a focal theme. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel, currently holding the … Read more

India’s Climate Action Plan

  The Prime Minister, as head of the Council on Climate Change, released the much-anticipated National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) on 30th June 2008. The NAPCC was expected to lay down a national … Read more