Astrology in the Universities: Sense, Nonsense and Science

Are we moving forward or backward in time? The recent proposal of the University Grants Commission to introduce courses on astrology, vastushastra and Hindu mathematics in science curricula, has been greeted with exclamations of disbelief … Read more

Cuba Supports Health And Literacy Programmes In Venezuela

This is an abridged version of the original article published in the May 11th issue of “The Militant”) BARRIO Adentro, which translates roughly as “Into the heart of the neighbourhood,” is the name of a … Read more

Dreams And Reality At Indian Science Congress 2004

THE annual ritual called the Indian Science Congress was held in Chandigarh in the first week of January. The event came and went with little notice taken in the media or by the wider public. … Read more

Restoring Conceptual Independence to Technology

Neither of the prevailing views of technology – as violently subjugating nature or as derivative of science – quite describes the way technology is actually practised. A bird’s eye view of science and technology can … Read more

Degrees In Pseudo-Science

THE University Grants Commission (UGC) on February 23 wrote to Indian universities announcing its clearance for the introduction of regular courses in Vedic Astrology in universities under its purview from the coming academic year. This … Read more

Human Genome Project Victory for Public Science

IT may well have turned out to be the coup of the millennium. The map of the human genome—a map that captures the essence of our functioning as human beings—may well have been appropriated for … Read more

Ancestral Echoes in Indian Genes — II

In the earlier article, we had discussed that in order to discuss Rajaram’s and Sudarshan’s claims regarding mitochondrial DNA studies, we need to examine how genetics is used in history. In this section, we examine … Read more

Creationist Theology Confronts Science in the U.S.

Creation “science”, i.e. the theory that the world and all life was created by divine intervention is far from extinct.  On the contrary, according to a recent article in the New Scientist magazine, it is … Read more

Human Behaviour and Biology an examination of the “sociobiology debate”

Almost a hundred and fifty years ago two of the greatest minds of that age, Karl Marx and Charles Darwin were grappling with two seemingly divorced problems. Yet, their seminal contributions were to revolutionise human … Read more

Heritage of Science and Technology in India

Like all ancient civilizations, India has a rich heritage of traditional knowledge. Much of this heritage stands at the doorstep of becoming extinct or has already become so. Attention has recently been focused on a … Read more

The Twentieth Century – Science’s Last Hurrah?

THE 19th century ended with the promise that almost all the mysteries of the world wereover. Science, it was thought, had come close to fully understanding nature, with only a few odds and ends yet … Read more

The New Economy and Novel Forms of Struggle

The “New Economy” consists of Information, Communications and Entertainment (ICE) and is assumed to be free of the constraints of the older and more traditional brick and mortar economy. While the growth of the old … Read more