The Immorality of Nuclear Weapons

NUCLEAR weapons are not just another class of weapons in the long history of development of weapons. Nuclear weapons are unique – their impact is primarily on innocent civilian non-combatants, particularly women and children; their … Read more

The Nuclear Weapons – the Myths of Military Analysts

The debate on nuclear weapons in India have been appropriated by a curious breed called “strategic experts” or “defence analysts”. Hidden under such names is the simple fact that they are primarily military analysts and … Read more

IDSA and Rationalising the Indian Bomb

K Subrahmanyam, the former director of Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA), recently lamented in a Times of India article that media management of the US government was far superior to that of the … Read more

Dual Use Technologies or the Unequal Global Technology Regime

The technology control regimes have two historical origins. One is to deny advanced technology to those countries that had not signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT); the other is to deny any advanced technology flow … Read more

South Asia: Under The Nuclear Shadow

The current nuclear stand off between India and Pakistan is embedded in a much larger matrix of global relations. Capturing this complexity is not an easy task and this is what Praful Bidwai and Achin … Read more

Nuclear Deal Struck

AFTER much supposedly nail-biting tension “going down to the wire”, the nuclear deal between India and the US was finally clinched during the visit of president George W Bush to India. During the build-up to … Read more

The Dogs Of War

THE war on Iraq by the US and less than a handful of allies, chiefly Britain, would probably have commenced by the time this goes to press. With George Bush’s infamous 48-hour deadline almost coming … Read more

No Smoking Gun in Iraq

WHEN UN chief weapons inspector in Iraq, Hans Blix, returned from the first round of inspections in late January and reported that, based on these inspections and despite various problems that remained regarding weapons of … Read more

India’s Nuclear War Plans: DANGEROUS PORTENTS- II

IN the CCS’ statement, two new elements have been introduced into the No First Use posture. Firstly, in the original DND retaliation would have been in response to “any nuclear attack on India and its … Read more

India’s Nuclear War Plans: DANGEROUS PORTENTS

TWO concurrent pronouncements made on January 4, 2003 – one, a major policy decision by the Government of India’s Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) and the other, a pious wish expressed by the president of … Read more


RECENT revelations by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of gross irregularities in defence procurement related to the Kargil conflict have raised a storm both inside and outside parliament. After the Tehelka exposé, the BJP-led … Read more

USA’s War: Infinite Justice, Finite Targets- II

THE campaign realities discussed in the first part of the article have strategic implications in the region around Afghanistan which are likely to further unfold in the coming weeks. Since the direct use of naval … Read more