Bigots On The Internet

WE like to believe that modern technology facilitates the dissemination and nurturing of science and rationality. While it does contribute to such an endeavour, we must realise that there is nothing in technology per se … Read more


SUSHMA SWARAJ’s debut as minister of Information & Broadcasting could not have been more dramatic, or appealing to the yuppie classes. TheCabinet’s decision last week to permit Direct-to-Home (DTH) telecasting has delighted the consumerist pro-globalisation … Read more

Judgement Day for Microsoft

As expected, the verdict in the Microsoft Antitrust case has gone against Microsoft. The remedy that the Justice Department and the states were seeking, i.e., the break up of Microsoft into two companies – one … Read more

The Laws of Gravity and the Dot.Com Balloon

The Internet has seen some strange phenomena. The strangest is the rise of the stock-price of a number of Internet companies to stratospheric heights in the global stock market. The Internet is creating instant billionaires; … Read more

Y2K Bug – How much of a hype

“AT the stroke of midnight on Jan. 1, 2000, the world will fall into utter chaos. Aeroplanes will plunge from the skies. Power grids around the world will fail. Elevators will fall to the Earth. … Read more

The Medium & the Message: AOL-Time Warner Merger

EVEN those inured to the megamergers of recent times, such as those of aircraft manufacturers, automobiles, pharmaceuticals or the various banking sector mergers each larger than the other, must have at least blinked at the … Read more

TRAI Recommends Handing Long Distance Telephony to Private Operators

It is well known that the long distance calls in telecom networks are the most lucrative and provide the revenue for rural telephones and connecting far flung, economically backward areas. The BJP Government had committed … Read more

Data Exclusivity: Implications For Public Health

IN recent months there has been substantive lobbying by a section of the pharmaceutical industry in India – led by the multinational sector – and pressures from the US to provide for what is known … Read more

Is it All in the Genes?

Genetics allows us to understand the ever-continuing development of life. The evolution of life meant the appearance of a self-replicating molecule which could transmit the characteristics of the life-form to future generations. Such a mechanism … Read more

Structural Adjustment Programmes and the Pressures by International Agencies on Health Policies

The World Development Report 1993 is the most comprehensive document of the World Bank regarding the Health Sector as a whole, and in that sense embodies the basic understanding of the Bank towards this sector. … Read more

Tobacco Industry and its Tryst with Death

After denying for the last fifty years that tobacco is either addictive or harmful, tobacco companies are now trying to negotiate their future with the US Government. They have agreed to pay up to $300 … Read more

Private Health Care under the Microscope

THE recent controversy relating to Sri Kumaramangalam’s death and the enquiry instituted to probe allegations of negligence against the Apollo Hospital in this regard, has opened a virtual Pandora’s box. The Ministry of Health appears … Read more