Agriculture And The WTO: Sheer Inequity

AMIDST the furore regarding the attempt by developed countries at the WTO meeting in Doha to push for a new round to the detriment of the interests of developing countries, an issue of vital importance … Read more

A Long Road to Travel: Declaration On TRIPS At Doha

THE Doha meeting of the WTO adopted a “Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health”. The declaration has been hailed as a landmark in the negotiating history of the World Trade Organisation. In a … Read more

Posturing in Doha

AS we go to press, the Fourth Session of the Ministerial Meeting of WTO at Doha is reaching its concluding stages. There are, as yet, conflicting reports regarding the outcome of the meeting. Three drafts … Read more

MNCs: Some Less Known Facts

The twin processes of “Globalisation” and “Liberalisation” have seen its wake an orchestrated campaign designed to showcase the merits of Multinational companies. What is glossed over is the gory face of a number of these … Read more

Clinton Coopts India On Energy, Environment

THE media and most MPs from all parties barring the Left and its ally, the RJD, were agog with US President Clinton’s visit to India. The visit seems to have inspired such a gleam in … Read more

TECHNOLOGY SANCTIONS True Face of Free Trade, the American War

WITH all the hoopla over Clinton’s visit, not a word has been said by India regarding the various technological sanctions that the US has imposed on India. The BJP government, busy as it is in … Read more

Statement on People’s Concerns and WTO Issues

(A Workshop on WTO Arrangements and People’s Concerns was organised in New Delhi recently. The workshop was organised by the National Working Group on Patent Laws in the background of the forthcoming meeting at Seattle, … Read more

The TRAI Ordinance: Removing Obstacles for the Industry

The BJP led Government has promulgated an Ordinance on the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) that creates two bodies instead of one, reconstitutes the authority in terms of members and removes the telecom regulator … Read more


The BJP government has offered a bail out package to the basic services providers, the circle cellular operators and the metro cellular operators. The package offers conversion of the two years license fees to an … Read more

Predator on the Information Highway

Microsoft Corporation, owned by the information technology baron Bill Gates, has decided to release modified versions of its Windows 98 operating system and other software to comply with a recent court order. A Washington Court … Read more


Even after two months of announcing of the new Telecom Policy, the actual policy contours remain totally unclear.  While the basic thrust of the policy has been indicated — henceforth even the basic Telecom services … Read more


The Government has at last released the long awaited guidelines on Private sector entry in Telecom. The private sector can now provide a competitive network to the existing Department of Telecom’s  (DOT) network under an … Read more