Pharmaceutical Industry Profits of US Cos. vs. Millions of Lives

THE United States government and the US pharmaceutical industry are fighting hard to prevent the compulsory licensing of essential drugs, particularly AIDS drugs, in developing countries. Already pressure has been brought to bear on the … Read more

Drug MNC Challenges India’s Patent Act

AS a consequence of having become a signatory to the TRIPS agreement (as part of the WTO agreement), India was required to amend its Patent Act by January 1, 2005. While there were various obligations … Read more

The WTO Stutters Towards A Collapse

The World Trade Organisation stuttered towards another collapse as a mini-ministerial meeting in Geneva, earlier this month, ended without any progress. That the talks seem to have reached an impasse was borne out by WTO … Read more

Indo-US Agriculture Initiative: Handing Indian Agriculture To Monsantos

As Bush descends on the country, a number of events are planned to synchronise with his visit and mark its success. One amongst the many has a vital bearing on more than 60% of Indian … Read more

The WTO Telecom Agreement or Grabbing the Global Telecom Pie

Last month, a new global telecommunications agreement was reached under the aegis of World Trade Organisation (WTO). It follows various other unequal agreements that have been reached under the new global trade regime of WTO. … Read more

The Second Enron Scam: The Saga of Mukta-Panna Oil Fields

The World Bank ran a series of advertisements in the US last year that said that a buck spent by the Bank as loan created a much bigger bang for US companies. They gave also … Read more

Patents: The Sellout Continues

EARLY in 2005, the Indian Parliament passed an amendment to India’s Patent Act to fulfill obligations that the government had agreed to at the time of signing the WTO agreement in 1995. The Left Parties … Read more

THE COLOMBO DECLARATION 10 Years Is Enough!: No Deal at WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Meeting

The organisations, individuals and movements assembled at Colombo, Sri Lanka for the Asian Strategy meeting on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on June 6-7, 2005. They concluded that 10 years period is enough to judge … Read more

“Free” Trade Beyond The WTO

WELCOME to the brave new world of “Free” Trade. This is a world that extends beyond the World Trade Organisation. This may be difficult to comprehend, but the fact of the matter is that global … Read more

Africa Showed The Way In Cancun

THE walkout of the African delegates in Cancun signalled the final collapse of the WTO ministerial meeting. While reports about the Cancun collapse have tended to focus on the role played by the Group of … Read more

WTO Derailed At Cancun!

PROBABLY never before has the failure of a multilateral negotiation been greeted with such exultation as the farcical end to the WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancun. People from all over the world danced on the … Read more

Stakes In Cancun WTO Ministerial Meeting

THE Fifth Ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organisation is to be held in September in Cancun, Mexico. The Cancun meeting follows the meeting held in Doha in 2001 and is being seen as the … Read more