The Currednt Power Policies — the Need for a National Debate

The power policies proposed by the Central Government have serious implications for the country in terms of very large tariff increases  and huge foreign exchange outflows. The Department of Power has been advocating the “Orissa … Read more

The Crisis of the State Electricity Boards: Real Issues

The crucial issue regarding the electricity sector has been the health of the State Electricity Boards. Here also, the problem has not been with the generating side. The major problem has been in distribution and … Read more

The 2000 Crore Delhi Vidyut Board Scam

The Delhi Vidyut Board (DVB) and its earlier incarnation, the Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking (DESU), has been perhaps one of the worst run utilities in the country. The utility loses a staggering Rs.2,000 crore every … Read more

The ENRON Power Purchase Agreement

The ENRON Papers consisting of the Power Purchase Agreement, the guarantees and counter guarantees provided by the Maharashtra and the Central Governments respectively are now in the public domain. This has helped to lift the … Read more

Repudiating Enron: More to it than Meets the Eye

The Dhabol Project of Enron now stands repudiated with the acceptance of the Munde Committee Report. The people of Maharashtra deserve all credit for this, as it was their continued struggle that kept up the … Read more

The Power Sector: Crisis of the Reforms

With the growing resistance of the people in Andhra, the much hyped power reforms are slowly unravelling. The game plan of these reforms are quite clear: first restructure the state electricity boards and install regulatory … Read more

The Soap Opera of Power Sector Reforms

The sudden collapse of the Northern Grid should convince the people that the power sector is vital to their well-being. Indeed, the power sector today is a ticking time bomb that can very well de-stabilise … Read more

Prabir Purkayastha’s submission to DERC, 2001

Please refer to your Public Notice regarding the Application filed by Delhi Vidyut Board for Tariff Increase. We give below our views on the same for your consideration.   The Delhi Vidyut Board has currently … Read more

Delhi: Increasing Tariffs to Help Privatisation

The current power policies being followed in the country have been able to address neither the problems of shortages of supply in various parts of the country nor provide power to the people at affordable … Read more

DVB Privatisation: No Lessons Learnt from Orissa

The privatisation of Delhi Vidyut Board (DVB) has now gone from a public tender to one of private negotiations with private parties. After initially rejecting the bids of the only two bidders left in the … Read more

Power Sector Reforms: From Light into Darkness

The last year has been a hectic one for the Power Sector. The Electricity Act 2003 has been passed in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. The CEA has produced its estimates of electricity demand … Read more

Dabhol Darkness

ENRON’S spectacular rise, and its even more dizzying collapse, is being felt far and wide. In a matter of six weeks — mid-October to end-November — Enron’s market capitalisation dissolved from $62 billion to zip, … Read more