Technical Education in India

Technical Education in India has had a huge quantitative expansion in the last two decades, particularly with the mushrooming of capitation fee colleges. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has allowed a number … Read more

Indian Science Congress : Killing the Dreams of the Young

The annual mela that is the Indian Science Congress took a turn for the worse this year. Vajpayee’s inauguration of the Congress on 3rd January was coupled with celebration of the militarisation of science. The … Read more

CPI(M) Congratulates China

The CPI(M) general secretary Harkishan Singh Surjeet has sent the following congratulatory message to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on October 17, 2003: THE Communist Party of India (Marxist) warmly congratulates … Read more


IN THE MATTER OF Delhi Science Forum, Through its Secretary Prabir Purkayastha D-158, Ground Floor, Saket, New Delhi –10017 PETITIONER //VERSUS// Delhi Development Authority, Through its Vice Chairman, Shri P.K. Hota, Vikas Sadan, INA New … Read more

LCA Flies—But Will It Take Off?

Just as the previous session of parliament was drawing to a close, the defence ministry had informed the Parliamentary Committee on Defence that the prestigious indigenously-developed Light Combat Aircraft or LCA was likely to be … Read more

Developing a Scientific Temper

THE ALL-INDIA People’s Science Network (AIPSN) is a network of various organisations with people’s science movement (PSM) throughout the country. It was formed in 1988, just after the successful completion of Jan Vigyan Jatha in … Read more

The Ultra Mega Power Project Manoeuvre

Backdoor Entry Of Failed Privatisation THE power scene is becoming curios and curioser. Just as the power privatisation dreams of the government has foundered on the cruel rock of reality – with the Orissa Regulator … Read more

The only Choice: Subsidise or Nationalise Enron

As critics of Enron, we owe an apology to the nation for failing to bring out the true nature of the Enron contract. Instead of Dhabol power costing Rs.4.00 and being a bad deal as … Read more

Power Sector Reforms – A Recipe For Disaster

WITH the adoption of new economic policy of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation, the state has virtually abandoned its main responsibility towards the people. The government no larger feels committed to work for their welfare. In … Read more

The Andhra Electricity Tariff Hikes: the Real Face of Reforms

The sharp rise in tariffs for the domestic and the agricultural consumer in Andhra – as high as 245% for some of the consumers as shown in the table below — clearly indicates what is … Read more

The Godbole Committee: A Difficult Job Well Done

The Godbole Committee, set up to examine the Dabhol Project has now made official that Enron power was priced way beyond what was reasonable and the decision making process was neither “reasonable” [nor] “rational”. The … Read more


(Courtesy: Economic & Political Weekly. Volume XVIII, P-995/20/1993) The future of the power sector in India appears rather bleak. A cursory perusal will show that organisations and companies connected to the power sector are in various … Read more