Ancestral Population in India

A RECENT study by scientists from the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and Harvard has come out with a set of findings about the nature of the ancestral Indian population. The study  — … Read more

Indian Climate Policy: Delhi Seminar towards an alternative position

As we go to press, yet another fortnight-long international climate negotiation meeting, the last before the Copenhagen Summit in December 2009 which is to decide on global arrangements for the post-2012 period, has got over … Read more

War Drums over Iran’s Second Nuclear Facility

War Drums over Iran’s Second Nuclear Facility   THE war drums are out in Washington, with the same people beating them as did for the last Iraq war. Even the excuses are same: nuclear weapons … Read more

Testing Times for India’s Nuclear Policy

A great deal of controversy has been stirred up recently regarding the yield of Pokhran II, after K Santhanam,  the former DRDO scientist and the DRDO co-ordinator for the 1998 nuclear tests went public questioning … Read more

Indian Nuclear Submarine

The long-held ambition of India’s strategic and political establishment to join the big boys in the global power stakes got a major fillip on July 26, 2009 when the country formally unveiled and launched its … Read more

Midnight at Dawn

THE longest-duration total solar eclipse of this century occurred on July 22, 2009 with the path of totality passing through many parts of India. While many other cosmic events such as full moon, new moon … Read more


Depart Mr Jekyll, Enter Mr Hyde AFTER the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) meeting last September, the government of India had mounted a high voltage campaign how it had secured a “clean and unconditional” waiver. Prime … Read more

Influenza Pandemic In A Globalised World

ON June 11, 2009 the World Health Organisation (WHO) raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 6 in response to the ongoing global spread of the novel influenza A (H1N1) virus. A Phase 6 … Read more

G8 Climate Declaration: cart before the horse

  The G8 Summit in L’Aquila, Italy, on July 8 was followed by a meeting on July 9 with the G5 major emerging economies China, India, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa and then a meeting … Read more

Peru’s Indigenous Peoples Victory Against Globalisation

  ON June 19, 2009 this year, Peru’s Congress or parliament repealed two highly controversial presidential decrees following months of struggle by indigenous peoples and democratic forces within Peru and failure of efforts to violently … Read more

It is Official Now: Swine flu is a Pandemic

SWINE flu, or more technically influenza A (H1N1), is now officially a pandemic. Addressing the press on June 11, Dr Margaret Chan, the director general of World Health Organisation (WHO) said, “On the basis of … Read more

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