IPCC Controversy: Shooting the Messenger

It seems even a day cannot go by without some newspaper, magazine or TV channel carrying an expose about yet another blunder by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). On the eve of the … Read more

Genetic Modification Technologies: Debate is on who Controls the Technology

WHILE the controversy on genetically modified foods rages in India, very similar issues are being debated in many parts of the world. In India the contention is around the permission sought to be given for … Read more

Oppose this Attempt to Destroy Indian Science

FOR over two years the government has made known its intention to introduce a bill in parliament, titled: “Public Funded Research and Development (Protection, Utilisation and Regulation of Intellectual Property) Bill”. The standing committee on … Read more

The Emperor’s New Clothes are Tainted

 A PUBLIC document of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) of Rajasthan, still available on its website, pays glowing tributes to a gentleman by the name of Ramalinga Raju. It says: “Ramalinga Raju is founder … Read more

After Copenhagen Accord

The Copenhagen Climate Conference has ended disastrously, the only saving grace being that things could have been even worse. People’s expectations that this meeting of world leaders would finalize a legally binding global arrangement to … Read more


More than two-thirds of the way through, with Ministers having already joined their negotiating teams and with heads of government starting to arrive for the final three days supposedly to seal an accord to save … Read more

Why Unilateralism won’t work in Climate Negotiations

As this piece goes to press, the Copenhagen Conference on climate change has begun. Predictably, the developed countries are up to their usual games, tabling outrageous proposals which they know will be unacceptable to the … Read more

Stark Choices in Copenhagen

The Copenhagen Conference starts today, with a stark choice facing the world. We either cut global carbon emissions soon, going to near zero by the end of the century or we are on a slippery … Read more

Bhopal 25 Years Later: The Continuing Tragedy

(25 years have passed since the worst industrial disaster in history, on 3 December, 1989 in Bhopal. Little has changed since then, and many more Bhopals are waiting to happen. The All India Peoples Science … Read more

Barcelona Climate Meeting: countdown to nothing

The last international Meeting of all country-parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) before the fateful Copenhagen Conference due in December took place in Barcelona, Spain over the past week. The Barcelona … Read more

New NASA Launch Vehicle: Rocket to Nowhere?

The first new US rocket or launch vehicle since the Space Shuttle, and indeed in terms of launch technology the first new rocket from any country in the past thirty years, was launched in a … Read more

The Great Spectrum Robbery: Raja Must Quit

THE telecom spectrum scam is now back in the news with CBI raiding the Department of Telecom (DoT), reportedly at the request of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). The CVC had earlier written to the … Read more