Wikileaks and US-India Defence Agreement

The article published in The Hindu (28 March 2011) on the Wikileaks cables focusing on the landmark Indo-US Agreement of June 2005 on a “New Framework for US-India Defence Relationship” as part of a wider … Read more

Fukushima – Radioactive Cloud Over Nuclear Renaissance

ONLY the very foolish will argue that Fukushima’s near meltdown in three reactors and a fire in the fuel holding pond of the fourth does not warrant a re-look at the nuclear energy polices of … Read more

Arithmetic or How to Help the Corporate Houses?

KAPIL Sibal has now thought fit not only to pick up all the arguments given by A Raja for giving 2G license and spectrum at throw-away prices to favoured corporate houses, but has also added … Read more

Cancunhagen: glass three-fourths empty

The climate summit in Copenhagen a year ago inspired many catchy nicknames starting with “hopenhagen” to portray early expectations that it would deliver a solution to the climate crisis, and later “nopenhagen” and the famous … Read more

Obama lifts export controls for India: dual use has dual purpose

The world has certainly changed in the past decade or so. Time was when Western dignitaries visiting India were always expected to give various things to India most of which would translate into money. Not … Read more

Obama Visit: New Dance Moves, Little Substance

The Obama visit has completely wowed the Indian media. 24 hour TV channels have spent at last 12 hours on the Obama visit – the other 12 hours of course going for ads, the reason … Read more

Games in the Time of Dengue

THERE are genuine reasons for the nation to exult as India showcased its capabilities through the truly spectacular opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in Delhi. A nation, reeling from the continuous disclosures of ineptitude … Read more

India begins trials for Basic Trainer aircraft:self-reliance in reverse gear

What do you say when one of the developing world’s leading industrial and technological nations, an emerging Asian giant knocking on the doors of global power status, goes shopping for the most rudimentary of aircraft? … Read more

Commons as an Active Producer

TODAY, the new digital age is recreating a number of much older ideas. Producing software collaboratively and with various free software licenses is building a new digital commons. This is not all. We also have … Read more

The PMO Dances to theTunes of Pharma MNCs

SEVERAL recent reports in the press indicate that the prime minister’s office had sought the opinion of some ministries regarding issues related to the Indian patents act. In itself, this would pass as a routine … Read more

The Nuclear Liability Bill: Bowing to US Pressure

THE civil liability for nuclear damage bill has now gone through the standing committee of the  parliament. Though some amendments have been added, the major thrust of the bill of protecting suppliers from significant damages … Read more

Faltering Progress in Combating Infectious Diseases: India’s Record in Achieving Millennium Development Goals

LAST month saw the release of the India Country report for 2010, regarding progress made till date towards achieving specific targets in eight different areas, set by the United Nations in 2001 – known as … Read more