Hell bent on water privatization in Delhi

It seems the Sheila Dixit government of Delhi, backed by powerful elements in the UPA-II central government, will let nothing stand in the way of water privatization in the capital. Several earlier attempts going back … Read more

Health Care Mortgaged to Corporate Sector

A FEW months back the Planning Commission of India had put its foot squarely in its mouth by claiming that the poverty line in India can be pegged at a consumption expenditure of Rs 28.65 … Read more

Blacking out Truth About the Two Black outs

The Power Ministry and Power Grid — squarely responsible for the failure of the grid on two successive days 30th and 31st July — have been very successful in hoodwinking the the media about the … Read more

NTP 2012 – Past Scams as New Policy

The National Telecom Policy 2012 (NTP 2012) has now become the official policy after one year of discussions. Of course, the context of the policy – the aftermath of the 2G scam – has now … Read more

Wanted: White Paper on Defence Production

India’s serial imports in military hardware continue unabated, with a string of acquisitions being approved and announced recently. There is regular fine-tuning of the Defence Procurement Policy, mostly at the behest of and oriented towards … Read more

Drones: Changing the Boundaries of War

TWO successive UN special rapporteurs on extrajudicial killings, summary or arbitrary executions, have said that use of drones by the US for targeted killings violates international law. Christof Heyns, the current UN special rapporteur said … Read more

Stuxnet and now Flame: The US and Israel Continuing Cyber War against Iran

Last two weeks have brought out that cyber war is no longer in the realm of science fiction, but very much a part of what is happening here and now. First, we had David Sanger … Read more

Facebook Founder Worth $ 20 billion Even After IPO Fiasco

Last month, Facebook launched its much hyped Initial Public Offering (IPO) and promptly lost more than 25% of its valuation within only a few weeks of trading. Why was Facebook with revenue of just $ … Read more

Draft National Water Policy 2012: no clarity or hidden agenda?

The Draft National Water Policy 2012 (DNWP 2012) released by the government earlier this year sought to “take cognizance of the existing situation and to propose a framework for creation of an overarching system of … Read more

Controlling Science to Reduce Threats will not Work

THE H5N1 CONTROVERSY FOR the last two months, a raging controversy is going on amongst virologists around the world on whether the research done by two groups, one in Netherlands and the other in the … Read more

Fukushima and the Chilling of Nuclear Power

IT is now one year since the Fukushima disaster took place that saw three reactors in Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (TEPCO) Dai-ichi nuclear plant suffering core melt-downs and explosions. On March 11,  2011, an earthquake … Read more

Health Sector Reforms in India

IT would require a very brave person to argue that India has a functioning health care system. The country’s health sector has been the topic of several screaming headlines in the media in recent months. … Read more